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Sasha decided to come check up on Drew and Jay.
"Hey. You're Drew? Nice to meet you. I'm Sasha."
"Hey, Sasha. I'm just studying. If you want you can talk to Jay. Just don't go into the room with him."
"He's already up?"
"Yes.. it only takes a day.." Jay cut in.
"Oh.. hi, Jay.. you.. ok.?"
"Oh, yes I'm perfectly fucking fine. I'm totally not trying to not kill someone, and I'm totally not fucking dead! No, Sasha. I'm not fucking ok."
"Sorry.." Sasha walked up to the glass wall. "Do you remember what happened?"
"One word. Asher."
"Oh. It's always her, isn't it."
"Oh, Jay? Do you want me to go harvest some Zeniflal?"
"What's Zeniflal?"
"It's an herb used in the cure. Yeah, go ahead. Not like I can go in there anyways."
"Wait. Herb? Why'd you never tell us?"
"I'm tired of hearing that... It's medical herbs, not edible. Before you ask me how I know, it's because there's documents in the other room. The one that says "do not enter" is a greenhouse with multiple herbs. You need to wear a special outfit to enter," Jay pointed at Drew as he finished up putting the outfit on.
"Just Zeniflal, right?"
"And probably some Konian."
"Alright," Drew walked into the room quickly.
Right before Drew came back, Jay warned Sasha about the toxicity of Konian. She left the lab and Drew walked in.
"Where's Sasha?"
"Remember, Konian is toxic. Alright, ground up the Konian, being very careful, and mix it with the Zeniflal. Again, be careful. Konian is extremely toxic unless ground up properly."
"Alright.." Drew was focused on grounding up the herbs and mixing them.
"What do I do with the mixture?" Drew asked when he was done with grounding them up.
"Add a little bit of water. The same as with the cure."
Drew slowly mixed in some water into the mixture. It became a light yellowish color, from the Konian.

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