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Xavier sighed. "When will the girls be coming back..?" He looked at Drew, who was sleeping.
"Oh, they're not coming back."
"What do you mean? I know that's you, Asher."
"I mean, they aren't coming back. You can still talk to them, of course, but they won't be physically here."
"Hey." Rox waved.
"What.. What happened to you..?"
"Well.. let's see.. I shot Asher in the eye, she ripped my arm off, then shot me in the eye. She shot Kayla in the gut, then shot me in the head and then apparently ripped Kayla's vocal cords. I wasn't there for that. Oh, apparently we were both immune."
"I'm sorry, your what? Immune?"
"Yeah. I got shot, so I couldn't get infected anyways, but Kayla had her vocal cords ripped out. She's not a zombie, is she?"
"Hi!" Kayla said.
"How do you know that you are immune, though?" Xavier asked.
"Because Asher tasted my blood. She said it was sweet, just like Bella's blood."
"Wha- huh? I- I don't even know what to say to that.. uhhh..."
"That's fine. You don't need to understand it. All you need to know is that we are dead now."
"I'm dead!" Kayla said with excitement.
"Yes, Kayla, we know this." Rox flicked at Kayla.
"Ahhh! Roxy.. why'd you do that?"
"You stated the obvious."
"Well.. uhh.. What now?" Xavier asked. "Did you guys find a village at least?"
"Yeah! We did! We saw a bunch of people, and they said there was a village, and, and, there was a village and then Asher showed up..." Kayla said.
"Well, that's good."
"Yeah, I found it a while ago." Asher said.
"Is that kid really sleeping on the job? You'd let him do that? Man, X, you're getting soft."
"Nobody has called me X in a long time, Asher."
"Well sorry. Got a problem with me calling you that?"
"Well.. not really.. it's just, I'm not used to being called that anymore."
"It's because she can't remember your name," Bella cut in.
"Shut up, Bella!" Asher yelled.
"Wait, really? How do you remember Bella's name, then?"
"How could I forget? She's a bitch that does nothing but talk."
"Do you know the girls' names?"
"No. Never bothered to learn them."
"That's funny." Xavier giggled a little.
"Is not."
"It is. It's pretty funny to know that you can't remember my name. Can you remember your name?"
"Well, sometimes she remembers. Only when she's reminded, though."
"Bella, shut the fuck up. My name is Asher."
"That's disappointing."
Drew stirred. "Hmm? What.. What's going on..?" Drew woke up.
"Ah! The kid awakes from slumber. How was your nap, kid?" Asher said.
"What..?" Drew looked at Asher. "Ahh! Why are you here..?"
"Just telling X some news."
"You mean Xavier?"
"Ah, damn it. You reminded her of my name." Xavier said.
"What? What do you mean?"
"She wasn't able to remember my full name."
"Oh.. well. What's the news?"
"Probably best if Xavier tells you. Bye." Asher walked off.
"Oh.. well... What's the news?"
"Oh, uhh... Look, Drew? Please, promise me you won't hurt yourself."
"Wha.. why? Is it that bad?"
"Just.. please... promise me."
"Ok.. I promise I won't hurt myself."
"Ok.. look, Rox and Kay.. they both died.. They had found a village, but Asher was there and.."
"Oh... ok.."
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked you not to hurt yourself.. you can go if you want.."
"Alright.. goodbye.." Drew walked off.
Xavier looked down. "Damn it.. I can't even keep him alive.."

Zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now