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It had been a fairly busy shift for 51 61 had the most calls out but 51 had been called to a warehouse fire.

Sylvie was busy triaging paients Matt had brought quite a few people but he needed help with paients so he asked to take charge and he asked Sylvie to help him.

"Sylvie I Need you we have a little boy trap inside" Matt said

Sylvie grabbed her jumped bag and followed Matt who was following a boy called Ryan they followed him into a dark alley way.

"Where's the victim" Sylvie asked

"There is no victim we need your help" Ryan said

Suddenly a black van pulled up and Ryan pulled a gun in Matt and Sylvie.

"Get in or I shoot her" Ryan said

"No way" Matt said

"She did if you don't get in you think I don't mean it" Ryan said

Ryan knocked Sylvie out not wanting Sylvie to get hurt Matt got in Ryan also lifted Sylvie and put her into the back of the van they took they phones and radios.

"Tie her up or she dies" Ryan said

"No I don't want to" Matt said

"Do it or she dies" Ryan said

Sylvie woke up feeling her head dripping with blood it took her a few minutes to realise but she talked Matt to listening to them.

"Matt do it tie me up right now it's the only way we will stay alive" Sylvie said

"Okay I will do it gently" Matt said

Matt tied Sylvie up and then a boy named Felix tied Matt up it seems Matt and Sylvie knew them from a fire a few weeks ago but what could they want with them.

51 hadn't noticed quite yet that there fire Captain and PIC were missing they soon would but right now they were busy putting the fire out.

Matt And Sylvie had no idea where the gang was taking them or what they wanted from them.

"Look what your name?" Matt asked

"Felix Campbell I'm sorry I never wanted any part of this Ryan the ringleader I have been trying to get of the gang" Felix said

"Listen Felix my name is Sylvie Brett and that Matt Casey we can help you we know a friend his name is Joe Cruz he can help you get out of the gang stuff no questions ask we also know cops they can help to" Sylvie said

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