Chapter 12

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Addison just texted me.

She's running late because of the meeting she has with the medical staff and writing reports on us. The team has been seeing her and they all told me how good she is with them. I like that my team likes her and is talking to her. I know Addison could really help them. Many members of the team have seen some bad shit too that they need to move on from, and some just need someone to talk to. I trust Addison with them; she's good for the team.

I trust her with myself too and I am...happy I let myself accept the help for once. Maybe it is because I want nothing more in the world other than Addison, or because I just can't take it anymore. But what is for sure one of the reasons I can talk to Addison is the way she does her job.

When we talk she's not just Addison, she is Dr. Addison Carter, who uses sentences like the therapists on TV say, that drives me crazy, who is so calm and collected that you feel you can tell her anything and she could handle it. I know she can. She's my doctor who I trust to pull me out of the storm. She is my doctor, who will always be there for me. She's my doctor.

I think back on those reports. I think she's writing them for Coach. I could ask her about them, because I want to know what she's writing about me, but I know she won't tell me.

I think it is something they will probably do after every game to assess every player's performance; see if any player was injured or needs to have an extra rest day.

Addison has been doing an excellent job as team doctor, actually. We never had a doctor care this much before. Not just with therapy but in training too. The team seems to like the new stretches she told us to do and the plans for resetting. We don't have an injury yet, unlike last season when we had two injuries this early in the season.

I came back home with fresh violets from the flower shop down the street. I prepped the food: shrimp tacos, nachos and cheesecakes from the bakery. I went with only one type with desserts because I found myself buying three cheesecakes. Strawberry, lemon and Chocolate-peanut cheesecakes.

Don't judge me like that, I don't know what she likes. Better safe than sorry.

I changed my clothes into something more comfortable, closed the blinds so Joshua the pervert won't see anything and sat on the couch...waiting for Addison.

I am definitely not thinking about that reporter. I lay on the couch and looked at the ceiling.

"You are okay Diaz." I take deep breaths and try to keep my eyes open.

"Just forget about him." I take another deep breath. Nope, I feel the storm coming.

"Wait for Addison. Don't think about him."

I take another deep breath. And another. I think about Addison and how she looks so beautiful today. I liked her in her match jacket. I wish it had my name on the back of it.

I find myself starting to fall asleep. Maybe I should take a nap. Sleeping to the thought of Addison is peaceful. I like that.

I let myself sleep to the thought of Addison and push that reporter out of my mind.

But it doesn't work...I feel the first cold rain drop fall on my hot face. My head starts to heat up while my heartbeat thumps in my chest as if it will come out.

My eyes are already squeezed shut and I feel my hand on my chest trying to free that guilt feeling that is piercing me.

I take a sharp, difficult breath and try for another, but it is no use.

I hear the first wave clashing on the shore, and Addison's sweet, innocent laugh and face disappears.

I hold my breath, and pray for the storm to end. 

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