Chapter 5

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A week later

After the whole trip Devale and Crystal had little to no contact. Text here and there but not like how they use to. It hurt both Crystal and Devale but neither of them wanted to talk. Devale felt some type of way because Crystal spent most of her time with Tyler. Crystal of course felt some type of way because of Devale but she wasn't going to chase or look crazy. Tyler had invited Crystal to the Sistas set and later out to dinner just to talk.

It was about 6pm once Crystal arrived on set. When Crystal walk in the first person she saw was Brian

"Hey, long time no see.!" Brian said as he hug Crystal

"Lol you too funny.!" Crystal said

"Crystal wasp girl.!" Chido said as he walk towards Crystal smiling

"Chido hey.!" Crystal said returning the friendliness

"How you been.?" Chido ask

"Good actually you.?" Crystal ask

"Better since I'm looking at you.!" Chido said

"That was so cheesy.!" Trinity said walking up on the conversation

"Man shut up.!" Chido said

"No forreal even for you.!" Brian said making Crystal and Trinity laugh

"What's funny.?" Novi ask and then she saw Crystal "Ohh hey.!" Novi said and Crystal just wave her hand

"And nothing just Chido making an ass outta hisself.!" Trinity said making the group laugh but not Novi because she don't get the joke

"What it's a party.!!" Mignon said as she start dancing in front of everyone

"Here she goes.!" Trinity said

"See this is why we don't get along now.! You just a hater.!" Mignon said

"Ohh what we eating tonight.?" Kj said walking up to the group with Ebony

"Right I'm starving.!" Ebony replied and then they both saw Crystal but didn't speak

"I'm in the mood for some soul food.!" Brian said

"Soul food Cathy just open.!" Novi said

"I'm down.!" Kj and Ebony said

"Hey Crystal, you wanna come.?" Chido ask

"Umh no-

"Why you don't eat soul food.?" Novi ask

"I'm just busy and don't want to interrupt-

"You definitely not.!" Trinity said

"If she doesn't want to go let it go.!" Ebony said with a little attitude

"That's right because you here for Devale.!" Brian said


"Why didn't you say that.? I just finish a scene with him.!" Trinity said

"But I'm not her-

"Aye Devale.... Crystal here for you.!" Brian said

"Ohh you here for Devale.!" Kj ask

"Why everyone standing here.?" Tyler ask

"We about to go eat and Crystal is waiting on Devale.!" Trinity said

"I didn't say that.!" Crystal chimed in Because it seems like nobody was listen to her

"Hey, someone called me.?" Devale ask

"Yeah, Crystal been waiting for you.!" Brian said to Devale as Devale finally took his eyes off of his phone and saw her. And they just stared at each other, of course they both miss each other and haven't went this long not really talking and it was bothering them both.

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