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"What nonsense you guys can stay here." Devale mother said

"No really-

"I instant." Devale mother said and Crystal and Devale just nod their head

"Yeah but, my sister and her-

"We have room.!" Devale father said

"Dont worried." Devale mother said as she took Crystal hand and led her inside the house while Devale and Devale father went to grab their bags

"So how have you been.?" Devale mother ask

"Umh im hanging in there." Crystal said

"I seen the news-


"Shh come with me." Devale mother said as she lead Crystal outside to a smaller house that was in their backyard.

"Wow.!" Crystal said

"I come out here to get away from everyone." Devale mother said as she opening the door and walk inside with Crystal right behind her

"Hows the baby.?" Devale mother ask

"The baby is doing okay,I had to get release to fly... I had to get away from Atlanta." Crystal said

"And I 100 percent understand.!" Devale mother said

"I really dont wanna be a bother, we could stay at a hotel." Crystal said

"You are carrying my grandchild, so you are staying here until you guys move into your home which will be.?" Devale mother ask

"Next week." Crystal said as she sat down on the sofa "Im sorry, the baby is getting really heavy." Crystal said

"Ohh Lord, you okay do you need some water.?" Devale mother ask

"Yes please." Crystal said

"So does anyone else know about your pregnancy.?" Devale mother ask

"No, and i'm trying to keep it that way. If its not to much to ask, but at the gender reveal could we not have phones-

"Done." Devale mother said

"Just like that.? No objective.?" Crystal ask

"Sweetheart this is your experience that you are going through and it haven't been easy so whatever make you happy it will be done." Devale mother said as she pass her some water

"I don't want to be like... umh you know a diva." Crystal said

"From the moment I met you, I knew you wasn't a diva. Hell you made all of us look like a fool at that dinner-

" What I didn't mean too." Crystal said

"Calm down, it's okay we put our foot where it didn't belong." Devale mother said

" Thank you." Crystal said towards Devale mother

"Ohh what for.?" Devale mother ask as she sat down beside her

"For everything, I never gotten the chance to thank you when you were in Atlanta." Crystal said

"Child i'm a mother but also a woman first. When I heard the news I told my husband to book a flight asap." Devale mother said

"And for that, i'm grateful. I never really had anyone that did that for me, well beside Devale and my sister." Crystal said

"And i'll do it again and again... Now tell me what happen." Devale mother said and then Crystal started talking

48 hours before

"Blake... Hello Blake-

"Well imma put these boxes in the moving van and pack our car up.!" Devale said and before he leave he peck Crystal lips and then Tyler follow out behind him

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