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EDUARDO, SOLOMON, AND LISA had set up their new home in the library's attic. The building was a solid brick structure, so they had the confidence that the building would remain standing through any disaster. There was even rooftop access outside a window ledge so they could have a strong vantage point if any more zombies came.

But their final tactic had seemed to work. The young men's dormitory was slowly burning in the distance. This time they believed that most of the zombies had been killed. Unfortunately, few humans remained. The students still living had packed up their belongings and left in the direction of their parents' homes in Manila. As of right now, it was quiet outside.

They were hopeful that they would always remain immune to the zombie virus. Solomon never told his friends how he had tasted human flesh one time and enjoyed it. That didn't seem to be the case now. Even though each time Lisa tested their blood, it showed strong antibodies against the ever-dwindling zombie virus that was slowly being eradicated from their bodily systems.

They were just getting settled in, having set up blankets barriers between each of their living quarters.

"I hope they restore the cell phone network soon," said Lisa, looking sadly down at her smartphone. "I really want to call my parents, as annoying as they are."

Eduardo shook his head and tossed his blanket onto the bed. "If we can find some of those solar-powered chargers."

"That or if the landline network is restored soon," said Solomon, trying to figure out where to put his enormous collection of socks. He ended up pushing the plastic bin against the wall stud.

Lisa stopped folding the shirts that Solomon had given her to wear. "What's that sound?"

He shrugged. "Can't be too many sounds to make, especially up here." He went back to what he was doing.

"There. Again." She twisted her head around to listen. "It's coming from the hatch." She stood up and walked over to the square door in the floor. "Dare I?"

Eduardo shrugged. "Can't see why not."

She reached for the round knob, then gently pulled the door up. "Oh!" she cried out.

"Is it good?" asked Eduardo. "If not, stab it through the eyes."

Lisa smiled with glee and giggled. "No, it's Muffin! He's still alive!" She reached out for her pet zombie rat and took him in her arms.

"Look!" she said, holding him up. "His eyes are going back to a blue color!"

"That's great!" said Solomon.

"Now close the hatch." Lisa listened to Eduardo and did as he said.

She kissed Muffin. "You're so adorable!" But then she whispered secretly to him. "But who was that in the distance? Friend or foe?"


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