wonwoo's thesis

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Blondangelhan: OK, here is the plan 1) seungcheol,mingyu,hansol, and Wonwoo will go and check out the trace of the weird magic Seungcheol felt  2) Chan, hao, and Soonyoung will go and see if there is anyone in the campus like cheol mentioned

creatorsoo: it's a good idea, Hannie

moonjun: hmm, I shall join Soonyoung, Chan, and Hao

melodyhoon: excellent plan keep us updated

thundercheol: yes already here in Caratland waiting for the 3 idiots to arrive

sunmin: OK hyung tell us what's wrong and if needed call the backup

underwaterprince: hyung I am here

icenon: I am here too

darkwoo: same here

chanpotter: me and hao hyung are also here 

volcanoprince: I just joined them and we will keep you updated

moonjun: I will keep an eye on you all

sunmin: same here

thundercheol: fine let's talk later

The phones vanish and the four handsome beasts trace the magic out. wonwoo is focused and is trying to make out if this is the magic he read about in his ancestral ritual. "So Won what do you think?", asked Cheol and wonwoo scrunched his nose. "hyung, I think this magic seems like it is not used on anyone but like its traces have been left", Wonwoo started. "So you mean you think there is someone in the academy who comes from your ancestral background and......", mingyu started but trailed off. "Mingyu, you are partially right but this magic seems like someone does not know that this is their magic", Wonwoo said and Hansol nodded in understanding. "Hyung you said you heard footsteps right?", Hansol asked and Seungcheol nodded. "Well there's someone here definitely because the magic traces of this kind can be left only when the person walks along this path", Wonwoo continues. "So, we follow these traces?", mingyu questioned and Wonwoo nodded.

As the beasts came up with this the other team tried searching the whole caratland for traces of people. "Do you seriously think there is someone?", soonyoung asked and received a glare from Chan. "Hyung stop whining", hao said and Soonyoung pouted.  Their conversation came to a halt when they heard noises. Their eyes widened. "Ok there is definitely someone and we follow him/her", said soonyoung and the other two followed him.

The whole group meets at the terrace of Caratland and shock is visible in their eyes. "So you definitely heard that scream", cheol said and all others nodded. "OK, so we find them?", asks a frantic Chan and Wonwoo is deep in thought. "I don't think they will show up yet", wonwoo says with a serious face. "We should bring them out", says wonwoo and others nod their head gain.

"for now we split and I will try an find out more about this kind of magic", says wonwoo again and they spilt again.


chanpotter: hyungs, so apparently cheol hyung's guess was right. there is someone in the academy who leaves a trace of their magic which wonu hyung believes is some kind of dark magic. We cant just catch them like that so we need a solid plan.

blondangelhan: I....... ok we will think and come up with one

darkwoo: I will try getting information cause this magic seems familiar and seems like someone is being forced to use it cause generally my magic can't leave traces if you are using it.

moonjun: so u think someone is being forced? and we need to find that dude/girl

darkwoo: yes Junie we need to but because I am not sure to how much extent can this magic go it's better we have backup plans and Chan will help us a lot

chanpotter: yes, I am chanpotter for ntg.

creatorsoo: so, what shall we do?

boonature: I missed  a lot

icenon: nothing new

chanpotter: hyung you are always late.

volcanoprince: Chan I feel that screams were coming from the library near our headmaster's quarters.

cloudhao: yes I felt that but we all know that place is restricted so....., wait do you think there is someone up in the library?

underwaterprince: if wonu hyung says that the user was being forced there are chances.

thundercheol: I never trusted our headmaster anyway

creatorsoo: me neither since the time he like seriously injured seokmin

sunmin: it hurt

blondangelhan: am not forgiving him

boonature: if there is really someone we save them tomorrow and find out 

icenon: yes 

moonjun: yes and well tomorrow is a full moon meaning the moon spreads its magic and weakens the dark magic and there is a high chance for that person to weaken because it's a wonu kind of magic.

boonature: yes yes definitely and Jun Hyung becomes a goddess

icenon: pft goddess lol

darkwoo: but junie your magic strained you last time

moonjun: do not worry wonu we should save or find out about that person.

blondangelhan: sleep now guys we have a long day tommorow.

melodyhoon: bye meet you all tomm

sunmin: bye~~

wonwoo could not sleep. He just wished tomorrow goes as planned.



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