Chapter 2: A Brother From Long Ago

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Kaz had been speaking to Inej about who knows what. But Inej had left the room by the time Ellasandra had entered the room. He had looked at her surprised that Giana was not with her. They were sat in silence as he contemplated how to bring the news to light.

The one condition the pair had for other was that Ella had an opportunity to get Pekka she would hold him somewhere until Kaz could get there, holding him hostage. Then if Kaz had heard of anything of a pirate or privateer come threw Ketterdam he would tell her.

"First I need you for a job. And Giana." They talk about the job for a while. Turns out Kaz needed them to find a way across the the fold. He also needed them to help with what they were actually doing in West Ravka, but he just told her he would contact her when the time came.

They sat discussing the fold for another half-hour before Kaz got up alarming the girl in the room. She sits there confused as he goes to another area of the room. Fidgeting with the shell bracelet around her writs.

"You heard of a privateer come through, didn't you." The girl asked knowing the way it was going to go if he had ever found out one was here. He stops what he was doing to look at the girl in front of him. He nods his head at her. About to say something when a gust of wind brings a dark figure with a dark mask through.

Perched on the window from, as if they are a crow. The crow like figure places a letter on the chair sat next to the window. Before dropping from the window out to the fogged air of the Ketterdam night sky. They both, in theory, knew who it was sent by. They never knew who was behind the mask. But they knew what the face of the mask meant.

The killer of the barrel. Everyone knew of them, feared them. But only a few knew their gender, but never their name. Which was a good idea concidering no one had anything on you.

They both stood there replaying what had just happened over and over in their heads before the brunnette man walks towards the letter left on the mahogany chair.

He looks at the name it was addressed to. Seeing it is addressed to the brunnette girl stood across the room from him now. As he starts to walk towards Ellasandra a familiar dirty blonde walks through the door with the Zemeni man downstairs follows nt that long behind her, telling her she isn't meant to go in.

Yet the dirty blonde, Giana, just ignores the Zemini man, Jesper, and walks towards Ellasandra. Holding out a letter given to her by a certain amount of goat. "The goat gave it to me" she explains, announcing her presence to the room. Mainly Ellasandra who had not yet realised she was there.

She goes to get the letter from Kaz as he had his hand out with the the letter there to give to her. They all wanted to know who had wrote it and what it had said. The dirty blonde next to her mirroring her. Both reading the letters at the same time. In perfect unison, "Meet me at the docks. Someone is here for you" joint by the initials ''KOTB" they both looked to each other remembering the handwriting, yet not remembering the face it belonged to. "It definetly wasn't the goat or the crow" Giana had joked in the serious time.

They thought they knew who would of wrote that. The handwriting was what confused them. It reminded them of an old friend, a brother that they both missed but they both knew it couldn't be him. His letters had stopped months ago. They had both pressumed quite a while ago that he had died at sea.

Giana had left the room, running out to go to the docks. The curiosity taking over as she slides down the stairs and out the door. "You know where to find me when you need to, bye Jesper." The brunette does the same as the dirty blonde but instead of running out the door she walks towards the window. Sitting towards the boys and saluting before falling back out the window and to the ground. Landing on her feet like a cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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