Chapter Six

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After buying a few sweaters, shirts, jeans, and 3 dresses, (Barbara insisted Gemma would need them.) Gemma and Barbara drove up to the address Bruce had told them to meet at. They arrived early, so Barbara went to fix her make up and hair. Gemma sat awkwardly in the restaurant, waiting for Tim, Dick, and Bruce.


Suddenly, an explosion went off, breaking a wall down. People dropped down on their knees, screaming. Gemma's heart started racing. Looking around, she saw two figures in the smoke.

"Hello, darlings..." One of the figures purred. It literally purred.

"Oh gosh." Gemma thought.

Out of the smoke, the two figures appeared. Catwoman and Scarecrow.

"Aunt Selina? Uncle Jonathan?" Gemma asked in disbelief.

"Hello Gemma." Catwoman smiled.

"How did you know I was here? How are you out of Arkham?" Gemma couldn't comprehend what was going on around her. It was too much.

"I'm an ex-professor, Gemma. I know all." Scarecrow winked. "As for Arkham... That isn't important is it?"

"We heard about your dad. We're here to take you with us. Sorry we're a bit late..." Catwoman explained, hugging Gemma.

People were still screaming. Fear gas, Gemma guessed.

"GEMMA! Get away from them!" Barbara exclaimed.

"We were just leaving..."

Scarecrow was about to throw a bomb ful of fear gas at her, but Gemma stopped him.

"Come on Gemma. Let's go." Scarecrow urged.

"You're the only reason we broke out of Arkham." Catwoman said beforing adding, "And the only reason I'm working with Crane."

Gemma didn't know what to do. She had missed Aunt Selina and Uncle Jonathan, but she was starting to feel attatched to Bruce and Tim and Alfred.

"I can't. I think... I think I have a family now." Gemma explained.

"We could be a family too." Catwoman urged.

"I just don't know. The criminal life isn't really me... I think it's in my best interest if I stay here."

"If that's what you want." Scarecrow said.

Gemma nodded.

"We'll visit you whenever we can." Catwoman hugged Gemma again.

"Good bye, Gemma. If you need anything, we will know." Scarecrow smiled.

"And take this.." Catwoman whispered as she secretly handed Gemma a small knife. "Gotham can be a scary place."

And with that, they were gone.

Gemma stood there for a few seconds before Barbara finally approached her.

"How do you- What just-" Barbara babbled.

"Yeah... Uh... Two Face was sorta my dad and Catwoman and Scarecrow are like my aunt and uncle." Gemma started to say. "They wanted to take care of me, but I said I already had a home."

Bruce, Dick, and Tim finally arrived, late.

"What  happened here?"Dick asked, leaping over debris to get to Barbara.

He wrapped her into a hug and Tim looked at Gemma. Tim manuevered his way over towards her.

"Are you alright?" Tim asked, full on concern.

Gemma nodded, "Yeah.. Let's just say one of my aunts and one of my uncles stopped by."

The restaurant, now obviously destroyed, was soon surrounded by police officers. It seemed nobody was hurt, just under the influence of Scarecrow's fear gas. Gemma had filled Bruce in on what happened and Tim listened in on the details nearby. He couldn't have been happier that Gemma decided to stay at Wayne Manor.

Everyone drove back to Wayne Manor and Alfred made dinner. While sitting at the table waiting for dinner, Dick cleared his throat.

"Barbara and I have an announcement."

"Oh no." Bruce thought. "I said it before and I'll say it again' if they're getting married they are both grounded."

"They're getting maaarried. I'm goin' to a weeeedding. I can ask Gemma to be my daaate." Tim sang to himself.

"Dick and I are going to Africa for a few months to help build a school." Barbara smiled.

"YES. No wedding." Bruce said to himself.

"Damn it!" Tim thought.

Gemma smiled at the couple and Tim tried to smile too. Bruce grinned bigger than anyone had every seen.

Two-Sided (Batman fan fiction, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now