Chapter 14

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Hi everyone! We're gonna try something new this chapter..... See this chapter through Gemma's eyes!


"Again." Helena's voice instructed me.

I wiped some sweat from my forehead and swung my leg around to kick the training mannequin. I had only been practicing for 4 days, and I already loved it. I felt powerful, unstoppable. I could take care of myself.

I would be practicing for one week straight. Bruce had called Gotham Academy to let them know niether Tim nor I would be coming back for a week. "Family business." Bruce had lied.

"Good." Helena nodded in approval.

I walked over to grab my water bottle and saw Tim smile out of the corner of my eye. He insisted on coming with me when I went to Helena's.

I pulled my hair up into a better ponytail and walked back over to Helena.

"Okay Gemma, how about you go a few rounds with Tim." Helena suggested. "It will be good practice."

I shrugged and Tim smirked as he walked up to me. He was so going down.

I took a deep breath and centered myself.

Tim threw a punch at me and I immediately caught his fist. I smirked mischeviously and twisted it around. I pulled his arm around and kicked him to the ground.

"Dang. Didn't expect that." Tim said from the floor.

"What? You didn't expect me to kick your butt?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I mean, like, I dunno, I mean uh.... You fight good?" Tim stumbled over words.

"Don't even try to quote a Disney movie." I replied.

I was no longer the helpless girl I was when I met him. Tim had obviously noticed and he seemed... Scared by it.

Helena laughed off to the side.

"Man I am great at training kids!" Helena laughed. "Even better than Batman!"

Tim stood up and smiled.

"Nice job. Wanna go again?"

I nodded and put my hands up to guard my upper core. I knew Tim wouldn't make the first move this time, so I swung at him, missing on purpose and while he was distracted, swept my leg under his feet. This didn't work though, and he jumped over my leg. I centered myself and swung my leg up to nail him in the head. He caught my leg and pushed it back. I fell back, but caught myself. Tim threw his fist at me and I dodged it.

I was getting sick of this game.

Finally, I used a technique that Helena said came in handy when you least expected it. I distracted Tim by throwing a punch at him, then stepping hard on his feet.

"OW!" I heard his reaction.

While his feet were weak, I kicked his shin and he fell to his knees. I quickly went behind him and kicked his back.

"I win. Again."

Suddenly a flash of yellow appeared.

"Hey Tim! Youjustgotbeatenbyagirlshetotallycrushedyouthatmustnotbecrashforyou!" Bart rushed.

"Good grief, Bart. What did you say and what do you need?" Tim sighed.

"And how did you find us here?" Helena looked perplexed.

I did my best not to giggle at the speedster. This kid was so randomly funny, especially when talking to Tim.

"Wasn't that hard! I just followed Tim! I got hungry like half way and I decided I wanted Chinese food so I took a pit stop in China." Bart explained. "Then I thought "Hmm... How about dessert?!' So I over to France and got myself some pasteries."

"And let me guess, you stopped to eat in both countries." Tim said.

Bart nodded, his wild ginger hair bouncing along with his head.

Helena ignored both Tim and Bart and turned back to me. "How would you like to go on your first patrol tonight?"

"Sure. Do you think I'm ready?" I replied.

Helena nodded and Tim decided to join the conversation.

"Gemma's going on patrol? Can I come?" Tim asked.

"NO!" Helena and I cried at the same time.

There was no way Tim was coming on my first patrol! At least, not if I have anything to do with it. But seeing as how Helena agreed with me, there was no reason to test myself to see if I had as wicked a mind as my father.


I just sounded kinda evil there...

Anyways, Tim looked very depressed that we denied him the privilage of coming on my first patrol.

"B-but why not?" Tim used the puppy dog eyes.

"Because I don't want any distractions. And because I say so." Helena told him.

"But everything is more fun when Tim is around! And I'm intelligent!"

"Doesn't sound like it." Helena fired back.

Oh no. This was going downhill quickly.

"Oh yeah? Who figured out Batman and Robin's identity at the age of nine? ME!" Tim yelled.

Great. My new mentor and the boy I have a crush on fighting.


Did I just say I have a crush on Tim? I totally don't! Where did that thought come from? He's not even my type! Do I even have a type? What is my type?

As these pathetic thoughts were going through my mind, Helena and Tim were still fighting like crazy.

"Ugh! Stop it!" I finally stepped into the fight. "Tim, no coming on patrol with me tonight. Hang out with Bart or something. You can take me on patrol some other time. "

And Helena," I turned to look at her. "I'm going to need a costume, aren't I?"

Helena just smirked.

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