Chapter 2. | How will i do this...

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3rd pov

5:02 AM

He woke up feeling good, i mean, who wouldn't when you sleep on a bed that's so comfortable bro??
Anyways, He woke up, still feeling a bit drowsy but not enough to stop him from standing up. While looking around, he saw a book on his desk, he then remembers the request he made.

"Right, i asked for a 720 page book..." He muttered to himself and approached the desk, the book was blank, it didn't have any writing in or on it. He took his phone out, a glass pen and started writing, hiding the phone incase someone peeks in.

6:03 AM

He wrote for a whole hour, he managed to write 24 pages so far, which is possible due to Fyodor's quick hands. (what else can those hands do 🥰) He took a break, ate breakfast, and took a walk outside. He came back and started writing again.

7:47 AM

He was still writing, until so fucking suddenly, a large explosion was heard outside, he got up and rushed towards the window. "Oh, it's just Katsuki... should i help them or not? Hm.." He was mumbling to himself and decided to go towards the large explosion. He grabbed his phone, changed clothes and dashed outside his bedroom. (He's slow because of anemia.) Nivom looked at him with an unreadable expression, yet she didn't try to stop him at all.

8:01 AM

He arrived to the scene, a large crowd was formed in front of all the commotion, the same heroes as yesterday were there too. He stared at the villain with an ominous look. As if the villain felt the ominous presence, it turned to him, momentarily stopping what it was doing, but after the kid who it took hostage started struggling even more, it got right back to work in trying to take over the boy's body.

Mt. Lady had arrived, but couldn't step in because of the narrow street. He stared at the villain, his eyes seemingly glowing a bright purple. "None of the heroes here can handle this! We can only wait for a hero with a more advantageous quirk!" One of the heroes said.

"It's my fault..." he heard someone mumble beside him, he looked towards the right and saw Izuku right there, looking guilty as if he'd just done something bad. After a few seconds, the boy beside him looked up, then started to run. Everyone was shocked, of course. "You fool! Stop! Don't go there!" Death Arms shouted at Izuku, but he didn't listen, he kept running at the villain and threw his bag at it, stunning it for a few seconds. He then tried to get Katsuki out. Keyword: tried. He failed and almost ended up dead if it wasn't for All Might to save him, Fyodor knew it was about to rain so he took cover in one of the buildings; he would get sick due to his poor condition.

All Might created an updraft and it started to rain, Fyodor didn't get soaked because he was in a building, he knew the rain would stop eventually so he stood still in his place, looking outside to see the 2 teenage boys passed out on the ground, and All Might getting compliments.

After a while, the rain stopped and he got out of the building, the 2 boys have also woken up. Izuku got scolded while Katsuki got praised. Katsuki looked at Izuku with a kind of angry expression, he looked at them both with a blank look, and approached the crowd to blend in with the people, since he was the only one who took cover in a building. Izuku saw him walking towards the crowd, and he looked at him back, the two initiated eye contact before Izuku got scared of the blank look on his face and looked away.

He ended up getting a selfie with All Might, he started walking away afterwards. He was still walking, even if it was sunset currently... Izuku caught up to him, but due to Fyodor's sharp senses, he managed to predict Izuku was gonna try and find him and dodged in time before Izuku touched his shoulder. "Yes, do you need anything?" He asked while look at Izuku with a smile, his eyes were dull, making his innocent smile creepy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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