—A few days later—

Tadano was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. Again. Maybe too often in these days, but he really got no idea "why". Why him. "Hey cutie~ " someone called out to him on the festival Tadano remarked it. And memorised. 
– Cutie - he said with lips only to the reflection. 
– Onichaan! - Tadano flinched. and blushed to his thoughts. As if everyone in the world could hear and see what he does, as if they did hear and see. - Hurry up! Or do you plan to live here?! 
– No! Just give me a sec, ok?
– Why are you so red~?  You were doing something dirty? Hmm?  
– Cos water is hot . You can go, the bathroom is free now. He ran away from further questions. "Geesh how annoying this girl can be. Can't believe she's my sister. Mom must be hiding something from us." Feeling dizzy after the bathroom he went straight into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. 

—In the kitchen—

– Mornin' 
– Morning dear, have you prepared everything for today's trip? Mama gently drank her coffee in the most nonchalant way you can ever imagine
– What trip? I have school today.  His family sometimes went out somewhere by car but on holidays only. They also planned trips weeks in advance, so it was strange for Tadano to know nothing about it.
– Oh, my? Didn't I tell you?
– Told me what?
– That day when a friend of yours paid us a visit. hmm what's his name again?
– Katai Makoto.
– Yes, Makoto-kun. So Makoto-kun said that tomorrow, which is today your class is going for a school trip. 
– Are you sure? "Makoto-kun? Seriously isn't  it way too fast? She doesn't call my other friends or Komi-san like this. What on the earth is happening..."
– I'm pretty sure my dear.  I made you a bento, but we have no snacks . You can buy them yourself. If you want of course. But you need to hurry, there's not much time left. She put a palm on her cheek and dramatically shook her head.
– I see. He went and prepared everything.
– Tadano?
–  Yes?
Mom hesitated a little, but then asked:
– Need some money? 
– Yes, please.
"Well school trip huh. Hope not that place" He went to school buying on the way some snacks. 

– Good morning
– Good morning, Tadano-kun!
– Yo!
– Morning~
– G-good morning Tadano-kun
– Good morning
– Oi Tadano!
– Hi!
– Good morning everyone
Cheers were heard from everywhere. Some said them very loudly and animatedly, while others could barely keep their eyes open and muttered sleepily. Some pounced on their friends with hugs, others nodded restrainedly. Until the buses finally arrived. Everyone suddenly remembered that they were going somewhere and began to offer their options. Various exhibitions, museums, national attractions, parks and other places that are suitable for an outdoor lesson.

– I would like to see old buildings. They amaze me with their greatness - Tadano beamed.
– I think the aquarium is a good place
– The best thing is the hall of mirrors! There I will be able to enjoy my reflection at 360°  But I allow you all to worship  my beauty.
– I would like to visit the new restaurant “□□” There are a lot of rumors about it, but I haven’t been to it yet.
– Get on the bus two at a time! One bus for each class! Don't get on a bus of someone else's class!
– Y-do you mind sitting down together - Katai asked.
– Why not? Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
– Second
– Fine
The rest of the discussions continued on the bus during the trip. But the journey was quite long and soon the students switched to other topics. 

Katai and Tadano discussed almost nothing. They didn’t need words to understand each other, they talked a little on familiar topics and ate the treats that each of them brought. Then Tadano asked if Katai would mind if he listened to the music. Katai nodded, and the latter, with his headphones in his ears, turned away to watch the changing landscape outside the window, until at some point he fell asleep. Katai really didn’t mind, he was already very happy that he could spend time with his cherished person.

"It is that place!" 
– This can't be true. 
Big bright letters "Meowkyland"  flaunted on an arch full of light bulbs and stylized smiling cats.
– What Tadano? Have you dreamed about it? 
– Not really.  I'm just... suprised a little. 
– You don't expect to see such things in high school, right?
– Yeah. 
They watched as the teacher bought them tickets from a kiosk shaped like a large cat's head. It’s not hard to guess that everything is gonna look like cats.  Then, one worker placed cat ears on the teachers’ heads, and another took a basket full of ears and headed towards the youngsters. 
– We have a “rule” that everyone who comes to Meowkyland must wear cat ears. Well, actually there are other types also if you want. They are hypoallergenic, don't worry. Various exclamations of approval and surprise were heard from the students. They willingly took the headbands and laughed looking at each other. Then it was Tadano's turn to pick up cat ears that matched his hair. Tadano put them on and felt someone else's gaze on him. He turned around to check his guesses. To his surprise, quite a few of his classmates and some of the other classes were looking at him. The hum died down, some looked at him with enthusiasm, others looked for a couple of seconds and turned away in embarrassment. Komi-san also looked with curiosity. When she noticed a return glance, she nodded slightly and turned back to the conversation with her friends.

Tadano preferred to pretend that he noticed nothing or almost nothing. He still didn't know why. But others knew. He was perfectly normal. Or normally perfect. Any clothes suited him because they were designed for the average person, which Tadano was.  He knew how to do absolutely everything, at an average level, while others had to spend their entire lives searching for where their talent lay. Besides, he is very friendly and kind, because this is how a normal person is characterised in society. But Tadano himself did not see anything special in this. And that’s what made him special - his ordinariness. 

Tadano stood and looked at the ticket given to him a minute ago, as if it contained the secrets of the universe.
– It suits you very well. - Manbagi said. She had leopard ears.
– Huh? Thanks, you look charming too
– Heheh thanks.
– Yes, it suits you - Katai said quietly, but they heard and turned to see his small lion ears. For some reason they felt funny. Manbagi couldn't hold back and laughed.
– Thanks. - Tadano smiled, trying his best not to burst out laughing. “You too,” he squeezed out. Now it was Katai’s turn to be embarrassed: he fell silent and nodded, blushing slightly.

– Ahem!
The students immediately limited their conversations.
–So, children, because I already said... -
And he said on the bus that the director and the teachers’ council decided to reward them for the intermediate exams and show that school is not only about studying. In a word, create pleasant memories and motivate for future achievements and so on.
– That today is your well-deserved day off and you will walk by yourselves. My colleague and I will sit in a cafe and if you need something, you can find us there. Just in case, write down my number 6843xxx. Great,  now you have free time till 7 pm . Let's meet near the fountains, watch the parade together and go home. Now go to the park with tickets and have fun!
This time there was no outward violent reaction, as it was hidden by polite applause and laughter at some local jokes, as well as the simple joy that they would spend this day enjoying the company of friends.

P.S now you know what that gif means

Only you can understand me without words (Katai x Tadano)Where stories live. Discover now