Soulmate and Soulmate (1/2)

45 3 0

Soulmate and soulmark (1|2)

How they know they are soulmates: for certain people the soulmark tattoo will appear at random times.
When they get close enough to their soulmate, maybe like a block or two they will feel itchiness and a pull towards each other, then when they get closer a burning comes in and stronger pull towards each other, then everything will turn into a pain. Everything will hurt.

Note: all tattoos are smallish

1 Tony Stark

2 Steve Rogers

3 Bucky Barnes

4 Clint Barton

5 Thor

6 Loki

7 Pietro Maximoff

8 Peter Parker

9 Sam Wilson

10 Wade Wilson

11 Bruce Banner

12 Wolverine aka Logan

13 Kurt Wagner

14 Natasha Romanoff

15 Wanda Maximoff


1 16 Dean Winchester

2 17 Sam Winchester

3 18 Castiel

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