Chapter 1 Insomnia

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First posted [june September 6, 2022]

Edited again [june 5, 2023]

Posted on here [sept 23, 2023]

Chapter 1 Insomnia

Third person pov.

Alex stirs in her spot on the hotel bed for the tenth time under seven minutes. She was trying to get back to sleep, but couldn’t at all. It's not like she didn't know why she couldn't sleep because she does know why, and that's because she has insomnia.

There's a few reasons why she's like this, why her insomnia came back to destroy her night sleep.

One reason would be because she's stressed off her ass. She has been for the past few weeks now. Two out of three of her soulmates she has met so far have left to go on a ‘hunting trip’, and almost every time her soulmates leave her to do dangerous things it makes her so stressed and worried for their safety and health.

Second reason would be because she gets nightmares. Most of the time when she goes to bed, she is fighting to sleep, and the other time is being able to sleep, but even when she is able to sleep the nightmares come in and wake her back up. Most of her nightmares contain her past and the other part is just random creepy ones; ones that she can not understand or describe to others; then there is a slight part where she is actually able to sleep calmly.

And the third reason would be because of the feeling she gets from her other soulmates. The ones that she hasn't met yet. 

Alex hates bothering others because of her problems, so she tries to deal with things on her own; alone. So of course even though she knows Dean would help her right now, he was asleep, and she doesn't want to disturb his peaceful, restful sleep he was having. He needs his rest.

At the moment, sleep was the thing she was trying to do, but her stress was so bad that it made it impossible for her to do so. Her worry for her two soulmates was causing so much problems for her.

Sam and Castiel have gone out on a hunt together and even though they are fine, and she knows they are fine, she still fucking worries over them.

Then there was another thing that was happening to her tonight. Every once in a while, she would feel a tug towards her soulmates- the ones she hasn't met yet.

That means that her other soulmates are close by.

Between the moments of not being able to sleep and not being able to shut off her brain so she won't be overthinking everything, her mind was now wondering off to think of maybe going out and looking for her other soulmates.

But..., she couldn't do that.

She couldn't do that because she's a wuss, a wimp. She can't speak because of being mute and that causes a wall for her. She doesn't know if her other soulmates would understand american sign language like her other soulmates or like that she writes down on a white board to communicate sometimes.

She didn't know if they would want to share her, so she becomes a wimp when it comes down to this topic at hand.

The topic at hand is, she has eighteen soulmates. It's not common to have that many, but it can happen and she happens to be the lucky one to be gifted eighteen soulmates.

Three out of eighteen soulmates, she has met and accepted both soulmate soulbonds with.

Fifteen other soulmates she hasn't met yet, but felt their pull a lot from them.

Alex mentally groans and squeezes her eyes shut for a few seconds before releasing and opening her eyes again.

She turns her head to look at Dean and softly smiles at his calm sleeping face. She loves how calm he looks; how peaceful he looks as he sleeps.

And this is why she doesn't like waking him up. He looks too peaceful and to wake him up and bother him, just ruins it.

She leans over and softly kisses his forehead and then his upper arm before carefully getting off the bed and quietly walking to the hotel bathroom.

Keeping the light off as she shuts the door completely: makes it more safe to keep him asleep and not bothered by her.

Third person POV.

Dean opened his eyes as he felt the side of the bed where Alex was laying previously, empty.

He gets up fast onto his knees and looks around the darkish room for Alex, but doesn't see her in the room; but he does see the light through the cracks of the bathroom door.

He sighs and shakes his head.

Dean knew why she was up, making him up now too. He doesn't care that he is going to be a bit tired later in the day, he just needs to make sure his soulmate is ok.

He pushes the blankets away from his legs and gets off the bed and groggily walks his way to the bathroom door. He knocks a couple of times, "Alex, baby open up."

Alex turns the sink tap off and quickly dries her face off before she opens the door for him. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" she signs out fast.

Dean shook his head, "We both know that I can't sleep without you," he smiles out. He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her and pulls her as close to him as he could.

His big hand moves up and rubs the back of her head, "Is it the insomnia again?”

She nods her head and frowns. Pulling away, she goes to sign to him, but Dean beats her. "Baby there is nothing you need to worry about," he said. "They are fine and they are going to be fine. In a few days we will meet up with them" he adds.

His fingers pushed away the stray hair from her eyes before cupping her jawbone and looks deep into her eyes that caused her to get lost in.

His eyes to her are a gateway to get lost in, and she’s lost.

She bites her lip as Dean spoke to her. She wasn't really hearing what he was saying, she was too trapped in his eyes. "Alex... baby"

She shakes her head and blinks at him. Dean chuckles at her. He has known her for years now and he knows that she loves eyes and she had just got lost in his. "Come on, let's go," he said.

I hope you like it.
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
I'm also sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors.
I would very much like to say thank you for taking the time to read my chapters, I really appreciate it. 
There's warnings ⚠️ notes for a reasons. If you skip them, that's fine, but not my fault if you're taken back by what I write for.
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This is what I write for.
The list

Spiderman (All Movies, all Spidermans), Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Venom, X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Agent Carter.

Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans.

Anime shows.
Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, The Host Club, Yuri on ice, RWBY, Haikyuu!!, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, Love is War.

Animation shows (that don't know where to place)
Trese, Arcane, Gravity Falls

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, ROTMNT.

Tv Shows.
Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The Hobbit, Marvel, DC, Joker, Star Wars

You can request whenever you want and as much as you want. I will try to get every single one written for you. I may not do some and that would be either I can't see myself being able to write it or it makes me uncomfortable.
I don't judge.
BUT I only write for Female readers or OC, not Male readers or OC.
I write x readers. GirlxGirl, MenxGirl.
Again I DON'T write for Male x readers or oc.
I have an account that I post my one shots on. The account name is The_BatCatsOneShot
So please try sending the requests there :]
Hope you are having a great day or afternoon or night time.

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