Chapter 3: She's a Witch?

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Misty's POV

You groan and sit up, it takes you a moment to realize that you couldn't see anything, the room around was pitch black, but you yourself seemed to glow a faint purple glow. You stood up and waved your hand...nothing. You waved your hand again, and still nothing. You couldn't use magic here... wherever here is. You begin to slowly walk forwards, hoping to bump into something, or maybe even someone.

After walking for a bit a familiar darkness began to tug you closer. You finally reach something. It was a wall of red fog, separating you from the darkness on the other side. Just as you were about to touch it, a voice stopped you.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

You whip around and look up. There was a humanoid figure behind you with glowing white eyes. Their body looked masculine and feminine at the same time as their silhouette was hidden in the shadows they produced.

"W-who are you?" you stuttered

The figure shook's face began to show an eerie white smile and spiral-like pupils appeared in their eyes as their shoulders began to shake in silent laughter. Soon they let out a psychotic laugh that makes all the hairs on your neck stand on end as the sound echoes around the empty space.

"Oh you already know who I am silly." they cackled, "You just don't recognize me in this form."

Their laughter soon died down, silence welcoming you again. You started to back away from the strange being when they disappeared, only to reappear behind you and shove you away from the red wall.

"Watch your step." they purred

You jump away from them and pull your arms close to your chest. You begin to open your mouth to speak but something prevents you from doing so.

"Tic tock." they cooed, "Times ticking friend, times ticking."

You begin to grow dizzy and before you could comprehend what was happening you fell backwards, the darkness shattering around you, turning into a blinding white light.

You kept falling.

And falling...

And falling...


You slowly open your eyes, but immediately close them as the bright light hits your face. You groan and roll over, burrowing your face into your pillow. Wait. Your eyes shoot open despite the discomfort and you look around to see that you were in your own bed.

"How'd I get here?" you muttered

You went to get up but something on your wrist stopped you. Something slimy and warm. You look over to see something gripping onto your wrist. It was black, gooey and...pulsing? You tug at it and it just grips you tighter. You were about to use your magic when someone walked in, can you guess who? Mother Miranda, who else would be insane enough to break into a witches home uninvited, that would be suicide. You sigh and roll your eyes as the priestess stands in front of you, an insane smile on her face.

"What?" you ask

She said nothing as she waved her hand. Four more of the blackened tentacles wrapped themselves around your arms and legs, spreading you out like a starfish.

"Now." she sneered, "You are going to tell me exactly who you are and where you came from. If you don't," she chuckled a bit before snapping her fingers, the tentacles pulled at your limbs, threatening to tear them from your body, "Then I'll have to use force."

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