Chapter 3

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Harry anxiously looked up as the owls came soaring into the Great Hall. It had been a month since he last heard from Bill and he was starting to get worried. His last letter was the one congratulating him on getting accepted at the sanctuary. He had sent a letter back to Bill thanking him and telling him how much he loved him and couldn't wait until they started courting, but he had yet to hear anything back.

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks. Harry had become increasingly more depressed after each day that no owl showed up from his mystery girl. Harry had been incredibly happy this school year and now he was walking around looking like an inferius.

"Excuse me," Harry said brokenly, getting up and rushing from the Great Hall when Bill's owl didn't fly in. Sprinting to the nearest bathroom, he fell to his knees in front of the toilet and vomited up his toast and jam. His vomiting hadn't stopped after getting the letter from Bill like he had hoped, and he just couldn't bring himself to consider the reason why. He was not pregnant!

Charlie stood outside the stall that Harry was getting sick in resting his head on the door. This wasn't the first time he had caught Harry getting sick, and as much as it pained him, he was pretty positive that Harry was pregnant with Bill's baby.

"Harry, are you alright?" Charlie asked. He had warded the door to the bathroom so no one could come in or hear their conversation. It was time he confronted Harry.

Harry stepped out of the stall looking pale and shaky. Walking past Charlie he went to the sink and washed out his mouth before splashing cold water onto his face. "Does Bill hate me?" he asked softly, looking sadly up at Charlie.

"Why would you ask that?" Charlie asked, handing Harry some towels.

"He hasn't owled me in a month, Charlie. If he's mad that I want to go to Romania, then I won't go. I'll stay here and become a healer or teacher. Hell, I'll even become an Auror. I'll do whatever he asks." Harry was now freely crying.

Charlie silently cursed, now would not be a good time to confront Harry about the possibility of being pregnant. The fairy was extremely distressed over Bill's silence. "Harry, let's go back to my place and floo the Burrow. It's the weekend so I'm sure that Bill will be there. Maybe the owl died or something."

Blowing his nose, Harry nodded his head. "Thanks, Charlie."

Pulling his head out of the floo, Charlie grinned at Harry. "Mom said that Bill is fine, better than fine actually. He has been working a lot of extra hours and she said that he just bought a small cottage near the ocean somewhere. She also said that Bill had a big announcement to make soon."

Harry's smile was blinding. "Do you think he's going to ask Sirius and Remus to court me before June?" he asked excitedly.

Charlie kept his fake smile plastered on his face. "It seems so. Mom sounded pretty excited and I know that she wants nothing more than to officially make you her son."

"I have been so stupid for thinking that Bill didn't want to be with me," Harry cried, overwhelmed with relief. How could be think such horrible thoughts about the man he loved?

"Bill loves you," Charlie said, doing his best to not choke on his words. "It sounds like he even found a cottage for the two of you. Give him some time to get everything in order. I'm sure he has a big surprise planned for you."

"I can't wait to see it!" Harry said, practically jumping up and down with excitement. "There is a Hogsmeade trip scheduled next weekend, do you think he will want to come and meet me? It's been over two months since I saw him."

"I'm sure he will. Why don't you write him a letter?"

Harry hugged Charlie then ran from the hut as fast as he could. He couldn't believe that Bill was finally going to tell everyone about the two of them being together. He hated keeping secrets from Ron and Hermione, it was putting a strain on their friendship. He hoped that Bill could meet him next weekend, he missed him so much.

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