Chapter 6

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"I'm going to kill him!" Sirius snarled, glaring at the owl that was sitting smugly just out of reach of him with a letter and a package tied to its leg.

Remus was sipping his coffee while contemplating how bad he would feel for AK'ing an owl. "It seems sending Arthur to talk to him didn't work. This makes five owls in three days."

"Not again," Harry moaned, staring warily at the owl as he shuffled tiredly into the kitchen. He had grown fond of the owl and had missed him after Bill stopped writing to him, but now he wished that the owl would just disappear and never return.

Despite not being happy to see the owl, Harry still gave it some attention and food then relieved him of his burden. Without even looking at the letter or package, Harry turned and attached it to Hedwig's leg. Sadly she was getting use to this routine. "Please take this to Arthur Weasley, beautiful." Nipping him affectionately with her beak, Hedwig hopped up onto the back of his chair then took flight.

"How long is he going to keep this up?" Harry sighed. It had only been three days since that disastrous Christmas and yet Bill had already sent him five owls. He hadn't read any of them, just sent them straight to Mr. Weasley for him to deal with.

"Arthur said he would talk to Bill after we left last night. I will owl him after breakfast to see how it went."

"Thanks," Harry said, giving Sirius a small smile. He just really wanted Bill to leave him alone. Why couldn't he accept that he was with Charlie now? When Bill left him, he didn't go begging and pleading with him.

Last night his dads and him went back to the Burrow to explain everything, well almost everything, to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. It went better than what he had expected, they seemed to be supportive of Charlie and him. Molly had wanted Bill to be there during their visit so he could tell his version, but his dads refused to him go if he was going to be there. Not only did they not want him around Bill, but they were also still extremely angry and wanted to hurt the oldest Weasley boy.

"Dad, what's going to happen when Bill learns about the baby? We were going to keep it a secret until after he married Fleur, but she's now back in France getting ready to become a healer's apprentice and rightly wants nothing to do with him. I didn't think that Bill would try to take the baby from me, but now I'm not so sure."

Sirius and Remus looked to each other, they had been worrying about the same thing. It seemed that Bill was prepared to stop at nothing to get Harry back. "I honestly don't know, pup," Sirius answered truthfully.

"Maybe...and just hear me out before you go all Sirius on me, Sirius." Remus grinned when he heard Harry snickering. "Maybe we need to let Arthur in on the inheritance and the pregnancy. He knows Bill the best and will hopefully be able to keep him in line."

"I guess it's not a horrible idea," Sirius agreed somewhat reluctantly. "Though, I would like to know what you meant about the Sirius comment?" he asked, mock glaring at his mate.

"I trust, Mr. Weasley," Harry spoke up before his dads started going at it. "Besides, he will be one of the baby's grandfathers. If it's alright, I would also like Charlie here when we tell him."

"You just want to see Charlie," Sirius smirked.

"I feel..." Harry paused for a minute, trying to think of the right words to use. "I feel right when I'm with Charlie. I feel safe and my magic is happy. The need to touch him is almost overwhelming, and when I do, it's like everything coming together the way that it's supposed to. It's like home."

"Sounds like he's your soul mate, pup," Remus grinned. "You don't have to ask us if he can come, he's always welcome."

"Speak for yourself," Sirius grumbled.

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