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You're sat in Jins car, tears staining your face and lump still in your throat.

"Tell me what happened." Jin says quietly, looking towards you with concern.

You sniffle, "If I tell you, you can't tell anybody."

Jin gave you a slow nod, parking in front of McDonalds and turning towards you.

You sigh, "Taehyung... Well... We sort of..." How exactly do you phrase that your bestfriend fingered you until you had possibly the most intense orgasm of your life, and then you gave him a blow job, and then he left and you haven't seen him since last night and somehow it's really hurting your feelings?

Jin stares at you as you stumble over your words.

"This is a totally hypothetical situation." You say suddenly. Jin raises a brow. "So... Say that this person that you may or not be bestfriends with, let's call said friend... Boo-Ya--"

"Boo-Ya?" Jin repeats.

You shush him, sending him a look. "I'm not done." You take a deep breath. "So, say you and Boo-Ya, I dunno, did the devils tango--"

"Had sex?" Jin crosses his arms over his chest.

You glare and he puts his hands up in surrender. "Well, now Boo-Ya hasn't contacted you since last night and you're left confused because he got up in the middle of the night, called you 'Babygirl' and gave you a hickey to keep Jeon Jungkook off your back--"

"Y/N..." Jin trails, "Did you and Taehyung have sex?" He asks quietly.

You can feel your eyes sting, "Maybe."

Jin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe he's afraid he hurt you? Or that he went to far?" Jin suggests quietly.

You sigh, shrugging slightly. "It was so unlike him. But... But it felt so good and..." You cover your face.

Jin leans forward, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," he says softly. "Sometimes things happen and people react differently. Maybe Taehyung just needs some time to process everything."

You peek through your fingers, feeling a slight sense of relief from Jin's understanding words. "But what if he regrets it? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore?"

Jin shakes his head. "I highly doubt that, Y/N. Taehyung cares about you a lot. He might just be unsure about how to navigate this new aspect of your relationship."

You let out a shaky breath, contemplating Jin's words. "So, what should I do? Should I reach out to him or give him space?"

Jin pauses for a moment, thinking. "I think it would be best to give him a little space for now. Let him process his feelings, and when the time feels right, you can have an open and honest conversation with him. Communication is key in any relationship."

You nod, feeling a sense of clarity. "You're right, Jin. I just need to be patient and trust that things will work out."

Jin smiles warmly. "Exactly. And remember, no matter what happens, you have a support system here. We're all here for you."

Feeling grateful for Jin's understanding and support, you give him a small smile. "Thank you, Jin. I don't know what I would do without you."

Jin chuckles and squeezes your shoulder gently. "That's what friends are for, Y/N. We'll get through this together."

You find yourself staring at Jin for a moment, your cheeks heating at the kind look he's giving you. What are you thinking, Y/N?! You literally just talked about what happened between you and Taehyung and now your getting all flustered because some cute guy is staring at you?

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