Chapter 1 - Get Found

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Enough with the keys in the scene

When I get em now the beat don't have a feel

I move around

Something funny all the time

They don't teach you what was killing that high

I get found

(Song: Get Found - Bass Drum of Death)

He was in extasy, letting himself get carried away by the surrounding atmosphere; the flickering lights that only barely broke through the dark room, the wafts of fog that hang heavy in the air and that pressed down on the excited masses, the people jumping up and down more or less in tact to the deafening beats of the drums, his brushing hands over the strings of the guitar hanging over his shoulder, and the screams of his female fans that as per usual stood in the front row and went wild as he performed his guitar solo.
He heard one of them shout his name at the top of her lungs, which brought a mischievous grin to his lips, and struck by a sudden idea he took a big swallow of water, while the rest of the band started playing again. Leaning his head back he blew it up in the air, resulting in a haze of water mingling with the omnipresent fog raining down on him, and the girls in the front row to go absolutely wild.

Finn was in his element, fully submerged into the loud music electrifying the blood in his veins, letting the boundaries of being in the here and now blur into the dreamlike state, where it was just him, his guitar, and the microphone in front him, in which he sang the lyrics he had once written and which by now were engraved into his brain.
His eyes were closed to completely fade out the intoxicated people that filled up the little underground club to the brim. It was one of those run-down places, of which he had seen too many to count them, but in this case, it was one of their more regular venues, which was close by to the place they crashed during the days.
He refused to call the shithole where he slept a home; it served its purpose ever since he had come to Los Angeles, but it didn't give him any homey feeling. And most of the time he ended up sleeping somewhere else anyway.
In fact, he planned again to find himself another sleeping arrangement for the remainder of the night, but that was a matter which had to wait until later. For now, he wanted to purely enjoy the music and he didn't think that the get to know with one of the present girls would be too much of a challenge, considering how some of them practically undressed him with their eyes.

So not sparing the audience any glance, he turned towards his band members to savour the remaining guitar riffs of the song to the fullest.
Finn was the frontman and lead guitarist of the band, that he had founded two years ago. He always had known that there was only one career path lying ahead of him, and as soon as he had turned 19, he had left his home back in Canada and had moved to LA, where he had done everything to make himself a name as a musician.
However, he had learned the hard way, that no one in that city was waiting for just another youngster with big dreams, and so the first year had rather been filled with waitering and washing dishes, and just some occasional gigs here and there, if someone had been generous enough to let him play one or two songs in-between breaks of the real acts.
Additionally, his age had been a big showstopper in the beginning, but after some time he had known the right clubs, where not too many questions were asked, and he had learned how to act in the right way, so that not too many of those were asked in the first place; his height was surely a contributing factor, because for some reason people considered someone to be older at the height of 5'10'' than some shorter person of the same age.

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