Chapter 1

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"Finally, it's done!" I said aloud, relaxing into the seat of my car. Finally. Six days of night shifts, with overtime, are done. Now I can go home, strip down to something comfortable and sleep. Oh, how I want sleep. I don't care what the experts say, it's unnatural and too different to sleep during the day and stay awake all night. Humans arAe meant to be sleeping while the moon is out! Or at the very least, this one is.

Just as I pushed my key into the ignition, my phone lit up and started vibrating. I got a weird feeling and almost ignored it, but then I sighed and looked down. I knew better.

"Don't go home, Eliza. Drive to my house," from Aaron Wolfe. I swear, he really is a psychic. He has to be.

After taking a moment and a deep breath to collect my thoughts, I began typing my message.

"Master, your humble pet is spent from this week at work. Must you call on me now?" I sat back and took a breath, because whatever his response I knew it would be quick. Sure enough, my phone lit up again.

"Yes," I read. Followed by, "come now and as you are."

Sigh. "Master," I typed in, "please let me rest." I didn't know what he had planned, but I really needed to sleep.

A moment later he responds with "trust me." Short, sweet, and no room for refusal.

"I'll be there soon," I typed in and sent as I started my car, beginning the drive to his house.

The drive is not long, but with 7 AM traffic on Saturday, it is long enough that I have time to think about what my Master may be up to. I really have no clue. Knowing his sadistic side, he might just want to make me suffer this morning. Knowing his romantic side, maybe he wants to tuck me in and let me sleep in his warm bed. I've been his for a few years now, and I still have no idea how he thinks—but he has trained me to trust and obey him, and I will.

Between the traffic, the drowsiness, and my mind wandering to thoughts of my Master and what was going to happen to me, I was soon pulling into his drive way. Time really does fly away sometimes, so I sat in my car for a moment, prolonging the inevitable to gather my strength and my thoughts. When I felt ready, or ready enough, I got out and walked up to the door. It was unlocked for me, as I expected, so I stepped in and locked it behind me.

Hanging my keys in their place, I stood in front of the table by the door and began the entry ritual Master had taught me. Taking off my shoes first, I placed them under the small table before I pushed my jeans down and off, folding them and laying them carefully on top of the table. Then I pulled my shirt off and did the same, laying it in its place on top of my jeans.

Next I slid my socks off, folding them and placing them on top of my shirt before I unhooked my bra and let my humble breasts free to breathe. I'm not that large, but I've never had any complaints about them. After folding that and placing it on the pile, I slowly pushed my panties down my legs, bending over provocatively as I slid them down and off. Raising back up nonchalantly as I folded them, I placed my last bit of clothing on the neatly stacked pile.

Another thing my Master taught me. Even if there is no audience, always undress and dress well—and always be neat.

With my clothing removed and neatly placed, I walked over to the soft welcome mat to begin the next part of our ritual. Kneeling down, I sat back on my legs and spread myself wide, letting my hands rest on my knees. Then I straightened my back, turned my eyes gently downward, and relaxed. He called it Nadu, the position of a pleasure slave.

"I am here, Master Aaron," I announced. "Your pet has arrived and readied herself to serve you."

Now I wait. He knew I was here the moment I pulled in the drive way. He always does. This ritual is just to get me in the mood for submission, to put me in my place upon entering my Master's domain. Waiting in Nadu is an exercise in patience and meditation. Mentally submitting myself to him, opening myself to him, and thinking about only him. Contemplating what he means to me and what I mean to him. Simply sitting and being his.

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