Chapter 4

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As I heard him walk down the stairs, I looked up and smiled even more brightly. He was dressed up as nicely as I was. His leather shoes had a shine to them, and the black slacks looked perfect on him. As the rest came into view, his red silk shirt stood out under a black vest that was buttoned up. He looked amazing. Formal, yet somehow casual and relaxed, leaving behind the tie and jacket.

He smiled as he walked up to me. "Are you ready, Eliza?"

"Yes," I said, smiling broadly. "I'm ready when you are."

He held out his hand. I took it, expecting him to lead me out the door, but instead he kissed it softly and gazed up into my eyes.

"I promise you, my darling," he said softly, "you will enjoy this night."

If it were possible for a human woman to turn into a puddle of happiness and love, that is what those words and that kiss would have done to me.

"Yes," I whispered softly. "I know I will."

He smiled and held my hand, leading me to and out the door. After locking everything up, he took my hand again and led me to his car, opening the door for me. I got in as eloquently as possible, playing the princess role he had put me in.

When he closed my door, he went around and got into the drivers seat.

"Oh," he said as the car pulled into the street. "Darla tried to contact you earlier. I talked to her so she wouldn't be worried."

Darla! I completely forgot about my roommates.

"What did you say?" I asked, almost worried about the answer.

"I told her," he smiled, "that I invited you over after your work finished, gave you a thorough shower, sensually massaged every corner of your body to relax you, and that you were sleeping like a baby in my bed."

"You really told her all of that?" I asked, blushing.

"Yes," he said with a sly grin. "She asked me if I had a brother."

"That's so like her," I laughed. "At least she isn't going to report me missing. I completely forgot to tell her that I was coming over."

"It's okay. She knows what kind of week you had, and she thanked me for taking care of you."

"I should be saying that as well," I said. "Thank you. For everything."

He looked at me and smiled, happy for my genuine gratitude.

"You should text her or call her while you have a chance," he said. "We'll be there soon."

"I will," I smiled, taking my phone out of the bag I had been given. "Thank you."

He smiled and continued driving as I pulled up Darla's number, seeing a bunch of messages from her this morning. Her most recent message read, "I talked to your man. Damn!"

I grinned and typed in, "damn indeed!" Then I typed another message, "we're going on a date! I'm all dressed up and everything."

"OMG! Pics! Details!" she responded. I laughed loud enough for Master to hear.

"She wants pictures of me all dressed up."

"That can be arranged," he grinned.

I smiled and typed in "not now, silly" and then "we'll talk about it later. I just want to let you know I'm awake, doing well, and I won't be home tonight. ;)"

":O" she sent, and I smiled as I read "naughty girl. Have fun, ttyl"

"Ttyl!" I sent.

When I looked up, we were down town and pulling up in front of one of the most romantic Italian places around here.

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