Chapter 2

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He smiled at the look of lust in my eyes, the shine and the glaze of my dizzying arousal. I was completely intoxicated with my desire for him, and he knew it.

"Now we are ready," he said as he turned to step into the shower. As he did, I looked down again and noticed that he became fully aroused from tasting me, which aroused me that much more and I followed him into the shower.

"Stand under the water," he commanded.

Obeying, I stood under the shower head and felt his hands run over my body, rubbing me down with warm water as he rinsed me. He avoided my more sensitive spots, but felt and rubbed almost everywhere else as he spread the water over me.

"I'm going to wash you," he whispered into my ear. "You do not need to do anything. Just relax and enjoy my attentions as I wash my woman clean."

I closed my eyes and shivered as his words sent vibrations through my body.

As I relaxed in his arms he backed me away from the shower head, gathered shampoo in his hands, and began lathering me up. He gently rubbed it in, lathering my hair thoroughly as he massaged my scalp before letting his hands wander downward to gently rub my shoulders and back. Sliding his hands around my sides, he properly scrubbed almost my entire upper body as he carefully to avoided my breasts. He was teasing me with opportunities that I knew he would not take.

Working his way downward, he knelt and rubbed his lathered hands down my left leg, avoiding my pussy while somehow managing to touch every other place. His hands worked down slowly and gently, almost massaging my leg as he washed me. When he got to my ankle, he pushed me gently to lean back against the wall as he lifted my foot, tenderly cleaning and rubbing it as he even slid his fingers between my toes to make sure every corner of my body was clean.

When that was done, he began working his way up my right leg, starting with my foot and the same treatment he gave to the left side. All the way up to my pussy, where he again only teased. I could only moan in pleasure and agony. I was in sweet heaven, even if it was a torturous one.

After finally lathering my lower body, he stood, gazing into my eyes as his hands wandered up my body to take hold of my firm breasts. His cock slid between my thighs, pressing his warmth against my lower lips. Having gotten this far, they were well lathered in more than one way even though he had not touched them.

Then he kissed me, and my entire world stopped turning as I suddenly came.

The entry ritual, all of the teasing he has done to me before and during the shower, his hands on my breasts, his cock nestled against my aching pussy and then his tongue against mine. It was all too much for a girl to take. Between the drowsiness, the light but dizzying subspace, and then a damn good orgasm, I couldn't even see straight as he held me up by pressing his body against mine. He held me against the wall, kissing me passionately as I rode the waves of pleasure he put me on.

When my other senses started working again, I felt his hand on my cheek and opened my eyes. He was blurry, but I saw a smile. I smiled and giggled in a post-orgasmic haze, but he leaned into my ear and whispered, "Did I give you permission to cum?" I gasped and felt my heart sink.

Uh oh. Now I've done it. I was getting such a good morning, and I had to break one of the rules. I panicked and straightened up, forcing myself to stand on my own shaky legs again as I looked down and hung my head.

"No, Master," I said. "I'm sorry."

I heard him chuckle, and looked up to see him smirking and enjoying my now confused expression.

"Good," he grinned. "Now you're awake again."

Awake as I may have been from the adrenaline rush of fear I just got, I had no idea why it was good. Sleepy, I tilted my head as I looked at him.

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