Forever Yours

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You stood in front of the mirror, a delicate bouquet of flowers in your hands, nervously twirling a lock of hair around your finger. Today was your wedding day, and in just a few moments, you would be united with the love of your life, Satoru Gojo. The anticipation and excitement mingled with a hint of nervousness fluttered through your heart.

As you took a deep breath to calm your racing thoughts, there was a gentle knock on the door. You turned around to see Satoru's mischievous smile, his striking blue eyes shimmering with adoration.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted, his voice holding a touch of anticipation. "Ready to make the best decision of your life?"

A shy smile bloomed on your lips, and you nodded, holding back the happy tears that threatened to spill. "I'm ready, Satoru. I can't wait to become your wife."

He approached you, his hands reaching out to lace his fingers with yours. "And I can't wait to call you mine."

Together, hand in hand, you made your way to the beautifully decorated venue where your friends and loved ones were patiently waiting. The soft music played in the background, setting a serene atmosphere, as you both stood before the altar.

The ceremony commenced, and as the words of love and commitment filled the air, your heart swelled with pure happiness. Every word, every promise, was exchanged with fervent devotion. When the moment came to exchange your rings, Satoru's thumb brushed against your knuckles, his warm gaze never wavering.

"I promise to love you endlessly, to support you in every path you choose to tread upon, and to be by your side till the end of time," he vowed solemnly.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you placed the ring on his finger, whispering, "I promise to cherish you, to stand beside you through thick and thin, and to love you unconditionally, from this day forward."

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as the ceremony concluded with the declaration of couple and wife. You turned to face your beloved Satoru, who pulled you into a tender, passionate kiss, sealing the vows and the beginning of your journey as husband and wife.

Amidst the jubilant celebration, Satoru led you to a secluded corner of the venue—a little pocket of intimacy amidst the bustling happiness. The both of you found solace in each other's arms, your hands intertwined as you quietly reveled in the magic of the day.

"I still can't believe you're finally mine," Satoru whispered, his voice filled with awe.

You giggled softly, brushing your fingers through his silver hair. "And I can't believe I'm married to the strongest and most amazing Jujutsu Sorcerer."

He chuckled, his breath tickling your skin. "Well, I got lucky the day I met you. You've made my life brighter, and I promise to spend every day making you feel loved and cherished."

You felt warmth spread through your heart, melting away any lingering nervousness. "And I promise to always be there by your side, supporting you, and loving you with all that I am."

The night continued with laughter, toasts, and dancing. Satoru held you in his arms as you swayed to the rhythm of the music, his gaze never leaving yours. The connection between you two was unbreakable, and as you gazed into his eyes, you knew that this love story was meant to last for eternity.

As the evening drew to a close, Satoru whispered softly in your ear, "Let's start our forever, my love."

Hand in hand, you retreated into the night, the moonlight guiding your way. Together, you embarked on a lifelong adventure of love, growing stronger with each passing day. In Satoru Gojo's arms, you found a bottomless well of affection, comfort, and fluff that would accompany you throughout your extraordinary journey as a married couple.

And so, every day became a testament to the beautiful union you both shared, leaving no room for doubts or regrets, only an unbreakable bond filled with irrevocable love.

Gojo Satoru One-shot x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now