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Y/n went back to her home. She was going towards her bedroom when her steps halted. She turned around and saw 2 figures. Male figures. They were Jungkook and Taehyung. 

Jungkook waved at her and so did she. Y/n passed a small smile to Taehyung. Jungkook took a glance at Taehyung to see his reaction. Somewhere he felt that Taehyung maybe a competition for him but will his hyung ever wrong him? Especially Jungkook? Never. 

Just as he was about to shrug these thoughts off, he saw that for a fraction of seconds, Taehyung's lips curved up into a smile. Jungkook's heart dropped maybe... But then again, he saw Taehyung changing his expression back to normal. 

If he liked Y/n, he would have kept on smiling at her right? Jungkook thought and finally he let the mistaken belief fade away. Y/n walked towards them who just came out of the kitchen. 

" Y/n you came from office right now?" Jungkook curiously asked her. 

" Yeah..."

Taehyung noticed Y/n clutching her handbag tightly. This was enough for him to understand where Y/n was. He walked past them not before excusing himself. Jungkook and Y/n sat in the living room and they talked. 


It was the nighttime. Y/n was in her room wearing her night dress. She was sitting on her bed. She kept on staring at that beautiful piece of jewelry. It was a small, elegant pendant. That small piece of jewelry wasn't very extravagant, yet it held a special meaning for her. It was given to her by a person who was very special to her. She started at the pendent as a lone tear dropped from her eyes followed by many more. 

Y/n was in tears. She was missing this dearest person very much. She wore the necklace around her neck and started writing something in her dear diary. Tears kept on rolling from her eyes as she wrote. 

Soon after that she slept. 

The week went on as a hectic one for Y/n. She was working way too much than she should and was taking a lot of stress. Finally today, her days off were starting. All the youngsters in the mansion were ready to go to the resort for the wedding. They all had done their packing. 

All of their stuff would come in separate cars and they would go in separate cars. Y/n was absolutely ready with her car. Along with her, the maknae line and their Namjoon hyung were ready to go. 

Jin, Payal, Yoongi, Hoseok were coming with the driver in the other car. Although Y/n knew the way, she still decided to follow the driver. All the youngsters had adorned their casuals for a comfortable ride. 

Y/n's car was chaotic because of constant bickering by Jungkook and Jimin. Beside her sat Taehyung, on the passenger seat who was exceptionally quiet just like Y/n. He was admiring the scenery and the view they were crossing. A soft romantic music was turned on that nobody except Y/n understood as it was a hindi song. Namjoon was engrossed in his book and had his earphones plugged in. 

The other car was full of laughs and talks. Jin's dad jokes made Payal and Hoseok laugh their asses off while Yoongi just wanted to bury himself. He literally wanted to dose off but Jin's windshield laughs again and again woke up the poor soul. 

They all reached the resort. The resort was very big and beautiful. It was like a royal palace. A big fountain. Bell boys lined up to help them out that too in proper uniforms. 

All of them were exhausted after the drive and were very hungry. They met with the elders and were guided into a big dining area. This dining area was exclusively readied for the family members of the groom and the bride for them to dine together. They all sat down on the chairs as they were served by the servants. 

Kim Seokjin and Payal Raheja's wedding was supposedly going to be the biggest wedding. They all were having their food while chit chatting. 

Mr. Raheja was kind of avoiding to talk to Y/n. She was well aware of the reason, but she remained silent. It was supposed to be this way only. Mr. Raheja seemed like an easy man but deep down ran his insecurities. He was not a cruel person. He was too good for this society and Y/n knew that. Her father told this to her about Mr. Raheja.

Y/n didn't want him to take a decision that he would regret later. Afterall, he was also her father. How can a daughter let her father take a decision he might regret in the future. Sometimes, righteousness leads to problems and in a family... problems are supposed to be removed; they should be solved; things which may cause differences between the family members are avoided. 

How could Y/n let a problem drift her more apart from that one particular family member when she already had some knots in her relation with her.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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