Episode 4: The Fundraiser

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If the fundraiser had been anything other than extravagantly garish , Fern would've been supremely let down. Thankfully, it seemed Malfoy didn't disappoint. The ballroom had been impeccably decorated, which, Fern thought was a bit overboard since it had been plenty nice before. The Manor had a very gothic feel about it. Malfoy had amped it up with a bit of magical mood lighting, adding darkly dressed tables, and dining ware to the mix.

However, the green roses in the middle of the tables really solidified it as a distinctly Slytherin affair. One look told her exactly the type of clientele Malfoy had doubtlessly invited. The thought of having to speak and pretend to be civil with pig-faced Pansy Parkinson caused Fern to openly want to wretch. However, she wasn't there to ogle or chat everyone up. She was reminded of this yet again by Harry Potter, as he called out to her, a bit annoyed.

"Fawley...did you get all that?"

He said, fidgeting with her dress for the millionth time. She sighed deeply, swatting his hands away a bit.

"Yes, yes, I got it. I'm to entertain Mr. Goyle and try to get him to admit to knowing about the breach."

Harry pursed his lips, as he reached forward again and tapped on the wire inside of Fern's dress, wincing a bit.

"Well, I see the wire works. Not that I had any doubt after the other four tests."

Fern said, watching as Ron paced beside them. Harry shot Fern a look right before Ron spoke up.

"'Arry are you sure this is going to work? I mean you'd have to be a bloody idiot to show up to such an obvious trap and--"

Malfoy's smooth voice cut in and Ron's shoulders tightened at the sound.

"Good thing for us, Goyle is a bloody idiot. He'll show up, believe you me, if only to rub in our faces he managed to get any sort of date."

Ron kept his mouth shut, but didn't look too happy about his and Malfoys proximity. Harry stood from beside Fern and cleared his throat, sensing the budding tension.

"Well, right, seems like everything's sorted on our end. Fawley, Malfoy, I think it's about time for the guests to arrive. Ron and I will be hiding in the study if you need us. Remember, we'll be watching everything from there."

Fern felt the bubbles of anxiety and fear begin in her stomach until she felt Malfoy speak beside her.

"Well, shall we?"

Malfoy offered her his elbow to hold onto, and despite the fact she'd normally be loathe to touch him, she was too nervous to decline. She gripped his arm and gulped, unsure of how the night was going to play out. Fern had never worked undercover, hell ,she'd never done anything even remotely like this in her twenty three years of living. She was sure she was going to muck something up. She felt the fear begin to take over as they started walking into the already chatty sounding ballroom.

" Relax , Fawley. Potter and Weasel are standing by if anything should go wrong, and most importantly, me . All you have to do is be every bit as charming as you usually are, and I'm sure , Goyle will be like putty in your hands."

Fern whipped her head up to see a cool and collected Malfoy, talking softly between his teeth at her, his eyes never leaving the door that was opening before them. He looked calm and completely in control and she felt herself relaxing despite herself. As the doors opened, she steeled herself, and walked confidently through with Malfoy at her side.

Malfoy gave a short and well rehearsed speech before the party and schmoozing commenced. Afterwards, he'd walked over and dropped a glass of champagne into Fern's awaiting hands, his eyes surveying the room. However, once they reached her they paused, giving her a once over.

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