Episode 5: The Letter

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After the fiasco at Malfoy Manor, The Ministry had taken over immediately, a gaggle of them rushing into action. Fern hadn't had a moment to process everything before Malfoy had been taken away on a stretcher, unconscious, and bleeding. She stood stock still in the destruction of what had just happened, staring emptily in the spot Malfoy had been, which still glistened with his fresh blood. She felt herself get dizzy until Harry had came up and touched her arm gently.

"Fern...are you alright?"

Fern felt her consciousness snap back into her brain and she sucked in a good amount of air before responding.

"Uh, yes, sorry, I'm just a bit shook up. Is Malfoy going to be...?"

She asked, afraid to know the answer. It wasn't but a few minutes before they'd been in a heated argument but now, curiously, all she felt was an immense sense of guilt. Harry nodded.

"Malfoy will be alright. We've sent him to St. Mungos, but his wounds aren't life threatening. I'm sure he'll be out in a few days."

Fern shot Harry a strange look.

"A few... days ?"

It was Harry's turn to feel uncomfortable, looking anxious, as he played with the hair on the base of his neck.

"Er, well, we've got to question him before we let him go. I mean, we did just see Death Eaters in his home, after all. And well, you know his history."

Fern felt anger bubble up in her, strangely, her eyes narrowing.

"You know as well as I do that Malfoy helped setup this entire event. He's done nothing but help the ministry. Why in Merlins name would he want to work with the Death Eater impersonators?"

Harry gave a small smile before letting his hand rest on her shoulder, reassuringly.

"Calm down, Fern. I know that, but it can't be helped. It's just a formality."

Fern swatted his hand away, turning her back to him, gritting her teeth.

"Is this how it's always going to be, Harry? You ask for our help and then turn around and accuse us? Cause I've got to tell you, it'll get bloody old, fast ."

Harry winced behind her just as Ron walked up.

"C'mon 'Arry, we've got to work on our profile for Goyle."

This caused Fern to pivot in their direction.

"Goyle? You mean he got away? After all of that?"

Ron bit his lip, looking at Harry, who sighed.

"He gave us the slip during the commotion. Our main concern was making sure everyone got away safely."

She sighed, putting a hand to her head, visibly deflated.

"I see. I guess I can understand that."

She said, a bit huffy.

"Now, if you don't need anything else, I'd like to go home. This entire situation has left me completely knackered."

Harry nodded.

"We'll let you know as soon as Malfoy is up."

Fern started walking away, her back turned to Harry, as he spoke up again.

"But there's one more thing that's bothering me. That Death Eater, the one who attacked Malfoy, why do you think they left you unharmed? They had every chance to finish you off. It just seems... odd ."

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