Turn ons

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- ruffling his hair and calling him a good boy
- kissing his neck just below his jaw
- playing rough with him

- mumbling praises in his ear while tracing his scars
- watching how your body bends while you do your normal everyday routine
- eyeing him up and down then making a suggestive hand gesture

- rubbing the backs of his thighs while kissing him
- pulling him into your lap and bouncing him
- rub your hands all over his body while he's relaxing in bed with you

- watching you workout
- making sex jokes then smirking at him
- tugging him by his belt to kiss him

- slowly tracing his hips with your hands
- playing with his hair for a while then pulling it
- wearing his shirts with nothing else on

- hugs from behind
- lifting his mask and roughly kissing his neck
- sticking up for him

- rubbing his thighs
- whispering in his ear about how much you love him
- bending over in front of him on purpose

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