How they react to seeing you crying

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- rushes over to you and hugs you while asking what's wrong and if you're ok

- if you tell him he'll do his best to comfort you and if you don't then he won't force you to but either way he refuses to leave your side till he knows you're ok

- pulls you close to his chest and tells you to let it all out because he knows what it's like

- will let you rant if you want or if you don't want to talk he'll always be there for you

- kisses your forehead and will rub you back silently but still reassuringly

- gives you all your favorite things along with kisses and cuddles

- brings you your favorite snacks and offers you cuddles underneath the soft blankets

- plays your favorite movie while the two of you cuddle and while you slowly drift off to sleep on his chest

- pulls you close and hums your favorite song to you

- will kiss your forehead and hold you close while listening if you tell him why you're crying

- will panic at first but will try his best to comfort you

- holds you close and rubs your back while you cry into his chest

- immediately tries to cheer you up and will hold you closer than ever

- will tell you to let it all out while he listens to your rant about what's bothering you

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