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It was the moment they had both been waiting for - the arrival of their own little miracle. Lily was there every step of the way, holding Lumen's hand and helping her through the contractions. Together, they breathed through the pain, and with each passing minute, the excitement grew.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The nurses coached Lumen through the final pushes, and with one last burst of energy, she delivered a healthy, happy baby boy. Lily was the first to hold him, feeling his tiny form against hers as she gazed down at him in amazement.

"He's perfect," she whispered to Lumen, wiping away a tear as she held the baby up for Lumen to see.

"Our little boy," Lumen replied with a smile that lit up the whole room. "He's ours, Lily. He's ours."

As the nurses took the little one to be cleaned and examined, Lily and Lumen held hands and looked into each other's eyes, knowing that this was only the beginning of their journey as a family of three. They would face all the ups and downs of parenthood together, with the unconditional love they shared as their ultimate guide.

lilumenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora