Chapter 3

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“You have some shit to answer for right now, Keys!”

TJ didn’t even bother with a greeting when he barged into my place. Screaming at me was his greeting. I was expecting this visit days ago, so it makes me wonder why it took so long. Maybe Tally didn’t tell him about the folder I gave her right away. He usually stops by this house every day, so it would be odd if he was here and knew, but didn’t come down to talk shit.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Don’t think just because I’m holed up on this bed that you can come in here acting like a fucking maniac. This is still my home, TJ. And if I recall, YOU don’t live here anymore.” Do I know what he’s talking about? Absolutely. Am I going to gaslight the shit out of him just to make that one vein in his neck get a little bigger and start to throb? Also absolutley.

“Fuck you, man, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“I don’t, man,” I mockingly use the same word back to him, “can you give me a little more context to explain why you’re being a huge dick right now?”

TJ grunts and for a split second I wonder if he’d be willing to beat the shit out of a guy that is missing half his spleen. Thankfully for my handsome face, he pulls over a chair and takes a seat at the foot of the bed. “Something was up with Tally the other night. I’m worrying the fuck out of myself thinking. I don’t like when people are hiding shit from me. Why didn’t you tell me that you were looking up information on her mom?”

“Because it’s Tally’s business, not yours.”

“Everything that is Tally’s business is also mine,” he hits his fist against the bed frame, but it doesn’t make near the impact that I know he wanted. 

“Everything?” I snort, “Would you like me to send you notifications about when she’s getting her period too? I ran the numbers, looks like you’re getting yours this week.”

“You’re sure running your mouth a lot for a guy that needs help wiping his ass.”

I smirk, because he’s right. “Meh, I always talk shit, my friend.”

“It’s more than usual. Like you know we won’t smack you around a bit because our mom would probably kick us out if we did anything to hurt her sweet boy.”

“Flor does love me more than she loves the rest of you.”

“Fuck off.”

“Geez,” I chuckle, “a little testy today?”

“I”m just tired. Now fucking tell me again why you did all of this work finding out shit about Tally’s mom without telling me first?”

“I know you aren’t going to like my answer, but it’s the same as I said before. I didn’t need to tell you because it was Tally’s business. I know you two are a thing now and I’m happy for you, but she’s still her own person. She was going to tell you anyway.”

“Fine, say that you’re right about that.”

“I am,” I quickly cut him off.

“Shut up. So, even if you didn’t tell me you had the information, why didn’t you say anything about having an alert for her?”

“TJ, I swear you all don’t pay attention to me at all. Since I started this job, I’ve put up alerts for all of you. We’re dealing with some dangerous shit and some horrible people. The way I can get ahead of any potential threat is to know if anybody is around asking about you.”

Power of the Keys (Jackett Family Book #2) Where stories live. Discover now