Chapter 21

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Stationed in a parking lot a block away from Bronte Hennie’s home, TJ puts the truck into park as another truck with my dad and Rhett pulls up next to us. TJ rolls down the front and back windows so we can talk. 

“I’ve got two down Center and another crew down the alley. They’re ready in case this gets out of hand,” Dad updated us.

“I set up comms for everybody,” Keys hands out earpieces to everybody, even passing two across to Rhett. I put one in as well and give him a thumbs up when he tests it. 

“Lucy,” TJ starts,

“No, do not cut me out of this TJ. I did not come all this way just for you to tell me I have to stay back.”

“I’m not saying you need to stand back, Luce, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go into the house with us. We have no idea what we’re going to encounter in there and the rest of us have a lot more experience doing this kind of thing.”

“She’s not sitting this out, TJ,” Keys backs me up. “We talked about this and I told you that you needed to listen to her and not freeze her out of this. You can’t bring her all the way here and tell her she’s not going to be part of it.”

“I’m not saying that I’m just saying that we’re potentially doing into a dangerous situation and even though I know she knows how to use a weapon and she wants to confront this asshole, we could be walking into a trap. Dad, tell them.”

Dad shakes his head, “Your brother is right, Lucy. Can we at least agree to have you wait outside until we clear the house? That would make me feel better, knowing you weren’t walking into a firefight.”

“Fine,” I annoyingly agree, “But the second you know it’s safe, I’m going in. I need to be there for Anastasia.”

“I promise,” Dad says.

Perhaps I’m getting cut out a bit, but it does make sense. I won’t admit that TJ is right, but the guys have done this more than once. I’ve already put somebody’s life in danger once by trying to get involved and look how that turned out. I want to be there for Anastasia, but I also don’t want to be in the way.

With that part figured out, we take off in separate directions. The four of us will be parking down the street to the west of the house and Dad and Rhett will be parked to the east of the house in the alleyway. The walk was a bit more for them, but we couldn’t risk Bronte having the house on surveillance. Keys was setting up a signal jammer just in case, but better to be safe than sorry.

Gage gives one final notice that in thirty seconds the signal would be jammed for another thirty. That is the amount of time they will have to move from their current positions to the house. Keys double-checked his gear and then turned to me and gripped my chin to get my focus. “I love you. Keep your head on a swivel but in case.”

“Promise that you’ll be careful,” I demanded from him.

“I promise, Luce. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

“Signals are down,” Gage said, “Let’s go.”

The three men left the truck and immediately fell into a synchronized group as they swiftly moved down the street. I could see Bronte’s house from here, but once they went inside I would only have the communication from the earpiece that I was given earlier. My right hand held my Glock while my left hand gripped the headrest in front of me. My heart was beating a million miles a minute and adrenaline coursed through my vines as I sat alone and waited for an update. It took less than thirty seconds for the guys to reach their target. The first thing I heard when the comms were back up after the signal blocker went off was my brother verifying everybody was in their position.

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