(Part 3: meeting R.p)

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*Burgertron walked for a while by himself till he ended up in the dumpster area and sat in a spot near some boxes and sighed in upsetness*
Burgertron: it's not fair Dave has pets, Anty farmwell has pets, and I bet other flesh beings and botbots have pets, and I feel like I'm the only one without a pet...huh? *pulls out the pet treat that was still stuck in his back burger bun* oh this was still stuck to me-
*he suddenly he heard a noise and saw two lavender colored eys staring at him scaring him in fear*

Burgertron: gah!!? *backs away scared and wanted to transform* wh-whoever or whatever you are stay back! You-you-*out of the shadows came out a little red panda but it had little lavender hair on top and it stared at him then stepped closer*Burger...

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Burgertron: gah!!? *backs away scared and wanted to transform* wh-whoever or whatever you are stay back! You-you-
*out of the shadows came out a little red panda but it had little lavender hair on top and it stared at him then stepped closer*
Burgertron: I said stay back! You little monster!?
*the little red panda felt hurt by his words and started to whimper as her ears and tail droop now burgertron started to regret what he said instantly*
Burgertron: h-hey hey I'm sorry did I scare you? I didn't mean to, c'mere you little fluffball *he picks her up and cradled her in his arms* oh your pretty cute even through you look very dirty-wait do you have a name little one?
R.p: *still a bit shaken* it...r-r-r-R.p...
Burgertron: r.p huh that's pretty cute name for a red panda like you~ (chuckles)
*r.p's tummy rumbles as she stared at the pet treat burgertron had, the burger bot noticed and picked it up and gave it to her and she started to nibble on it*
R.p: th-thank you, uhm?...
Burgertron: I'm burgertron I'm leader of a squad called the lost bots, hm you don't have a squad do you? *r.p shakes her head in sadness burgertron realizes she is alone and had no squad nore some-bot to care for her*
R.p: *finishes the treat* thanks I was really hungry
Burgertron: yeah no problem and you know what I wanna adopt you as my own little pet I just hope your bathroom trained, but before I can fully bring you to my squad you need to see a squad that can treat those small little hurt marks.
R.p: ok I just hope they are not scary...
*burgertron takes r.p to the science alliance and they agreed to treat her little wounds and fix her up*.

Botbots: a burger's fluffy oneWhere stories live. Discover now