The start of lukadrien and marigami

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Adrien pov

I woke up to my alarm blaring. I turn it Off and get ready for the day, as I'm brushing my teeth I hear my phone ding and I pick it up to see a notif from Luka.

Luka: Gm cat❤️

Adrien: good morning snake❤️

Me and Luka have been dating for almost a year and a half now and I'm happy we started dating. Just wish my dad wasn't a homophobic bastard so I could be out to him and more people. "Adrien are you up?" I hear from outside my room "yea I'm up Natalie" I slightly yell "ok you have ten minutes to be downstairs for breakfast" she stated "ok!" After I finish getting ready I go downstairs like I was told to and I sat down at the table to eat what little food my father calls a meal. When me and Luka were about three months into our relationship he told me he knew I was cat noir, which surprised me but it made our relationship easier with him knowing so I didn't care any less. And I already knew that he is vipereon.

(A/N imma do a small time skip to when he gets to school cuz tbh im running on 2 hours of sleep and 1 cup of coffee cuz there wasnt enough sugar for anymore so yea...)

marinette POV

i woke up late again rushing to get ready. todays the day I confess to kagami! I thought. the only people who know im bisexual and like kagami is adrien, luka, alya, juleka, rose and marc. after I finish getting ready I rush downstairs to eat and run out the house to school.

As I walk up to the school I see adrien, nino and alya at the entrance waiting  for me "there you are girl!" alya said as she sees me run over to them "im sorry alya I overslept again!" alya knows why i overslept again. I mean shes the only one that knows im ladybug and the gaurdian of the miraculous. "g'morning dudette!" i here nino shout at me "morning" i said back and we all walked into the school and to class

" good morning everyone!" Ms. Bustier said as we all sat down "good morning Ms. Bustier!" we all said back "so today we have someone joining us for today" ms. bustier said "please come in kagami" she said and kagami walked into class. I was a bit shocked and it looks like adrien was too. I guess she didnt tell adrien either "I'm pretty sure your all familiar with kagami already?" she asked us and we all nodded "please go sit back there with Lila kagami" Ms. bustier said to kagami and she did as told. I personally didnt like that kagami had to sit next to Lie-la but she knew that she is a liar.

(A/N ok so Im watching the movie nimona while writing this so there might be some typos P.S you should totally watch nimona its on netflix and its very zesty and ive watched it like 5-6 times now)

"hello I'm Lila" the liar said to kagami and she just stayed silent and listened to Ms. Bustier. An hour later Ms. Bustier said "And that's it for today please makes sure to read pages 30-48 for your homework this evening" she stated "yes Ms. Bustier" everyone in the class said. "Hey kagami wanna have lunch with me, alya, nino and adrien?" I asked Kagami as she walked to the front of the class to leave for lunch with everyone else "yes that would be wonderful" kagami replied to me. The five of us head to the cafeteria together and we get our food and sat down. "So how come your not at home doing work kagami?" alya asked since kagami has always been home schooled "my mother thought that normal interactions with kids my age would be good" kagami replied to alya's question after swallowing  some food. "So are you gonna be going here from now on?" nino asked "yes" kagami answered his question

after lunch we had a free period so alya, nino and adrien went to go hangout with the others leaving me and kagami alone "Would you like to come with me to the art room?" kagami asked me "Sure kagami" after I said that we headed to the art room and kagami had me sit on a chair and pose for her so she can sketch "Hey marinette?" kagami asked "yea whats up kagami?" I asked her "Do you still like adrien?" she asked me "U-Um.. No why..?" i asked "Just asking" she replied to me "Do you still like him?" I asked her "No why?" its now or never I thought "Because... Because I like you..." i said hesitantly.

We were both silent for a bit until she broke the silence by saying "I like you too marinette..." After I heard her say that I was shocked since I wasnt excepting her to like me back "Do you..." I paused from hesitation and she raised her eyebrow some "Do you.. Want to be my girlfriend?" she stayed silent for a bit again until she said "I would love to marinette" she said as she looked at me with a small smile and I blushed "You look just as pretty when you smile" I said to her and she turned a light pink and covered her face with her sketchbook.

Adrien POV

After we left marinette with kagami I went with alya and nino to hangout with some of the others. "Hey guys" I said to the others "hey adrien!" rose said "Hey adrien we were gonna play truth or dare wanna join?" nathaniel asked me "yea sure who's first?" I asked "i'll go" iven answered "Adrien truth or dare?" iven asked me "Truth" I replied to him "Do you have a crush on anyone?" he asked me and i stayed silent for a bit thinking of what I should say "No why?" I asked "We'll all of us are wondering when you'll find someone who will make you happy" iven replied to my question "oh ok. I'll find someone soon I'm just trying to find someone who will like me for me. Not that i'm the son of the #1 fashion designer and a model" i said lying about finding someone soon since im already dating luka who loves me for me but only nino, alya, juleka, marinette and kagami knew that. "yea I guess its tough finding someone who will love you for whats on the inside and not the outside being a model and the son of gabriel agreste." Iven replied to my answer

(time skip to after school)

Adrien POV

luka: hey cat you coming over soon?

Adrien: yea I am just have to wait for natalie to come and get me

Luka: alr love you see you soon

Adrien: love you too

The car pulls up and I get in "You have band practice today right adrien?" natalie asked me "Yes I do" I responed to her. There wasnt any band practice today i only told natalie and my father that most of the week after school I have to practice with kitty section and they allow it since I play the keyboard for kitty section so basically I'm allowed to since im 'practicing my piano skills'

after we get there natalie said she would come to pick me up at around 5-5:30 and i set an alarm for when i have to go outside to wait for her

word count: 1301

Alr I'm ending this chapter here you just have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens in luka's room

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