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(A/N my video ⬆️ pls check out my channel)

Luka POV

After adrien gets out of his car I watch him walk into the boat and into my room "hello there handsome" I said as adrien walked into my room "hello to you to luka" he said as he sat on my bed. "I think marinette finally confess to kagami today" Adrien said trying to start a convo "ooo! finally!" I replied to the cat "Mhm! me and alya made sure to leave marinette and kagami alone during free period." Adrien told me "well if they get together than it'll be perfect" I said to Adrien as I smile.

A couple minutes later Adrien comes closer to me "cuddle time?" He asked me "sure kitty" I said to him as I chuckled and he crawled into my arms facing me as I my hands snake around his waist "I love you" I hear Adrien mumble "love you too cat" I said as I kissed his head "I'm going to fall asleep please make sure to wake me up before five" he asked me "ok Adrien" and he drifted off to sleep and I set an alarm for 4:50 and another for 5 so I can wake up too just in case I fall asleep too.

I've noticed that the only time Adrien sleeps much is with me since h has patrol with ladybug at night then he comes over to my house after they are done. Which is around 2am then has an alarm set for 5am so he can go back home to get ready so when he comes over here he sleeps as much as he can. He rarely eats much too. His father doesn't give him a lot yea he gets breakfast and supper but it not as much as he needs since his father 'wants to keep him in shape' since he's a model, that's what he tells me. So when he comes over I make sure to feed him a lot and my mom likes to cook for Adrien too. I started to play with his hair and I drifted off to sleep as well

A while later the alarm goes off and i turn it off "hey adrien its time to wake up" I said slightly shaking him "nooooo~" he said in a whiney voice "yessss~ or else you wont be able to come over again" i said since if he wasnt outside before natalie got here he probably wouldnt be able to come over again with how strict his dad is "I'm up!" adrien sated as he sat up quickly and i chuckled "you like coming over here that much love?" i asked him "well yea the only other time i can have freedom is as cat noir so of course I do" adrien answered me and i gave him a quick kiss "well c'mon I'm going to make sure you eat something before you leave since you have a photo shoot and you never know how long they actually go on for" I said as i got up off my bed "ok" adrien  said and got up as well

I made sure he ate and he grabbed his bag then we heard a voice that adrien likes to call plagg "hey kid wheres my cheese!" plagg shouted "here plagg" adrien chuckled and handed plagg some cheese "see you later luka" adrien said and gave me a hug and a quick kiss "love you" i said as i hugged him back "love you too bye!" adrien said and he walked out

adrien POV

After I walked outside I texted natalie to tell her im waiting outside and she said she was almost there. After natalie got there to pick me up "get in adrien you have a photo shoot" natalie told me "yes natalie" I responed to her and got in the car and we drove off to were the photo shoot was

(After the photo shoot)

After the photo shoot it was about 9pm so we went back to the house and I went to my room and texted luka

adrien: im home now

luka: Your father really needs to stop having your photo shoots last for 4-5 hours and not feed you anything :(

adrien: i know that but I have to do what he says he's my dad and im not an adult yet either

luka: how bout when you turn 18 you come live with me? :)

adrien: would that be ok with your mum?

luka: I've already talked to her about it and she said she would love to have you live here to get away from your father and cuz she loves having you over and everything and I'm also planning on getting my own place soon too :)

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