Ladybug & Cat noir are gay?!

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A/N powers back on yay! Now i can charge my phone! And yes i added another one of my yt vids at the top pls check it out. Anyway we left off at
During practice they all had fun, played some games and overall had a good time until...

An akuma attack alarm went off "everyone get inside!" Luka yelled and the others went inside the boat. Marinette went somewhere else to transform and adrien went into luka's room to transform
"Hello mi-lady~" cat noir said greeting ladybug "hi cat" she said and giggled "its mister pigeon again cat" she stated "again?!" He shouted
"Well lets get this over with ive got a date soon"
"You have a date in ur civilian life?" She asked
"Yep! Still calling you mi-lady tho!"
"Pfft- ok cat" she said and they started to fight mister pigeon

(A/N bruh im so fucking tired rn i havent slept in a few days running on coffee and cliff bars i hate having insomnia ugh💀 anyway love all you gay gremlins)

"Pound it!" The heros said in unison "great job mi-lady!" "Back at you kitty. Dont forget we have that interview later tonight with nadia" the bug hero told the cat hero "wait... that's tonight?!" He asked "yea- did you forget cat?" "N-no i totally didnt!" "Its alright cat noir even as cat noir ur still human. We make mistakes its fine" "its uh- kinda not fine its my anniversary with my bo- um partner tomorrow and i was going to set up tonight!" Cat noir explained

"Oof- im sorry cat... i can tell nadia we cant do it tonight?" She asked him "no i-its fine i mean they already said they didnt care what i did as long as we get to spend time together but they've always done stuff for me so i wanted to return the favor..." he explained "like i said i can tell her we cant make it tonight" she said "no let me feed plagg and text my partner brb!" He said then went and hid to detransform "plagg claws in" cat noir said "hey kid!" Plagg said and yawned "here plagg" he gave plagg cheese "thanks kid!" "Your welcome" plagg finished it and adrien texted luka
Adrien: hey luka i cant set my surprise up tonight because i forgot me and ladybug have another interview with nadia

Luka: your fine adri❤️ i'll be watching you~


Adrien blushed then said
"plagg claws out!" "My cheee———-se" cat noir jumped back up on the rooftop and saw ladybug waiting for him "im back!" "Ok! Ready to go?" "Yep!"
Once they got to the news building they went to the room nadia was in "im glad you guys made it!" Nadia said "we're glad we made it too!" Ladybug said "im kinda not..." cat noir mumbled but only ladybug heard him and nudged him "ack-" he said "have a seat we'll be on the air in a few minutes" nadia said and they sat down
After a fee minutes they started the interview along with answering questions "so ladybug, cat noir fans are still wondering when you two will become an official couple" nadia asked "hehe well you see nadia... um" ladybug hesitantly spoke and cat noir sighed "me and ladybug have no romantic feelings for each other never have, never will" "yea cat noir over here is right"
"But why is cat noir always flirting with you?" Nadia asked "its my personality i mean everyone has seen me flirt with most of our superhero friends before too" cat noir stated "but why?" She asked again and cat noir sighed

"All im gonna say is my life as a civilian is isolated and as cat noir i feel free to do what i want" he responded to her "and thats all im going to say" he said again "ok cat noir um looks like we have Multiple of the same question from many fans the question is "what're your thoughts one the lgbtq community?"" Nadia said to them asking what many fans wanted to know

"Im fine with it! I mean its just someone loving another human of the same gender its like a male and female relationship its love!" Ladybug said and now a lot of fans were praising her in the chat for her words "how bout you cat noir?" Nadia asked

"Oh well thats easy same as ladybugs thoughts. Its just love you cant control who a person loves or the gender they're attracted to. I personally love the lgbtq community because its full of love, laughter, loyalty, support and respect" he stated and he got lots of praise for him saying that too "ooo! Another interesting question! Many fans are asking "are you or ladybug apart of the lgbtq community?" Now thats a great question if you two are ok with answering that is" nadia spoke and ladybug and cat noir whispered to the other "im fine with saying if i am hbu mi-lady?" "Im down i was planning to say so on this interview anyway"

"Yes we are comfortable with doing so thanks for asking consent from us first too. I ladybug am bisexual" she said and fans went wild about it "And i cat noir am bisexual and..." cat noir looked down "hey its ok cat you dont have to say it" ladybug said as she put her hand on his shoulder "no i want to say it..." cat noir responded "i cat noir am bisexual and trans-masc..." he said and many fans congratulated him and were super happy for him

"We got another question "have you had sugery yet?" You dont have fo answer it cat noir i know it's probably personal" nadia stated

(A/N in my AU gabriel was only ok with adrien being trans bc he always wanted a son and ik you have to be 18 or older for top and bottom surgery so he hasnt had it yet he is on t tho and has a binder)

"Im fine with answering it but um i havent had any surgery done yet i do have a binder and am on T and for trans mascs who are wondering if i still have my binder on underneath my suit. I actually dont once i transform its like im in a guys body and it's probably because our miraculous are magic and the costume changes to fit and match its holder" cat noir smiled "your actually correct cat. Because of the miraculous being magic and change to fit and match its holder as cat noir your in a guys body" ladybug spoke
An hour or so later they continue answering questions about stuff making sure not to reveal much about their civilian lives while doing so "well im glad you two joined us tonight sadly this is all the time we have left right now see you next time everyone!" Nadia said waving to the camera cat noir and ladybug doing the same

Words count: 1208
Hiii!! Hoped you liked this one! I should be able to post more since tomorrow is the last day of school b4 winter break so bye!!

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