The notebook

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💛Sarah's POV💛

I was in my room, with the new notebook I bought. This time i made sure it wasnt one of those magical ones...Though, as i sat down, I realized I didnt have any new ships. I mean, i ussally just write any random characters and ship them but i really wanted to try something new. Something that wasnt canon but where the characters had chemestry...I thought about it for a little bit, thinking about what happened at school these days. The only thing that I could think of is how Gumball accted around Tobias. He keept showing him his...behind. As if he was hinting at something? Maybe there was more then just what it seems...What if Gumball was...trying out a WEIRD WAY TO CONFESS? OHHHH-

Yeah so, anyways, I started writting, that feeling was so perfect. Too prefect...

The next day, it was a day like any other. It was break time and i was sitting at a bench, reading and writting more of the story i made yesterday. I didnt even notice Anais and Clara talking beside me...

A: Im just saying, you cant just roll your eyes and sigh at even a drop a knowlage presented to yo-"

Even with her complaint, she still sighed anyways just to mess with her. Though, it was so much it acttually blew my notebook away (ps: If you dont belive she can do that, check for yourself). But before i could grab it and pick it up, Masami picked it up first, showing it to Leslie

M: "What is this?"
L: *Looks over* ""Gumball x...Tobais"? Is this a...ship?"
I grabbed the notebook out of her hand, emberessed
M: "Hmm...looks like youre really secretive about this ship...I'll tell ya what. You can give us the notebook and we'll read the fanfict. If its good enough, we will make it into a REALITY."
S: "Ok first of all, how? And second, why would YOU out of all the people do something like that?"
M: "First, i have my ways~ And second, im DONE with shows having the same ship dynamic. Its always the idiot/funny and careless boyfriend with the responcible and short tempered girlfriend...Why cant there be a change for once?!"
L: "Youre right...we need to do something!"
S: "But how? Penny and Gumball love eachother!"
L: "Maybe so...but what if we just make Gumball love that other person MORE. And if this fanfict is good enough...that person...could be Tobias~"
I was a little bit scared of what was going to happen and if they would even find my fanfict to be good enough. But it wouldnt hurt to give it a shot...right?
S: " have untill tommorow to give me you opinion"
L and M: "Deal."
I gave them the notebook just as the bell rang. Im suprised someone like them would be so invested in this. But yet again did give out a good point and-...I just realized my ship. My ship might come true!..Please...please let the fanfict me good enough...

The whimp and the loser (Tobias x Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now