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🤎Penny's POV💛

It was a nice and sunny sunday. Today went pretty well! My family had tacos today and the whole day was overall pretty nice! As i looked out the window, i heard a ring. It was my phone, turns out, it was Gumball. He always calls at a time like this, wouldnt mind to talk to him a little bit more today~
G: "Hey Penny~"
P: "Hi...watchya doin babe?"
A little while passed but still no answer. I tried to call for him but it was no use. All i heard was...some blings? What was going on?
G: "Nothing much, love~"
P: "Woah! Where were you? And...why do you sound like that?"
G: "Oh, so i cant love ya?"
P: "Gumball, stop it"
G: "Alright, alright...heh, dont wanna make you angry..."
P: "Ok srsly, are you alright?"
G: "Ofcorse i am! Why wouldnt i be?..."
P: "You sound...very cree-"
G: "IM OK."
His voice...sounded so scary...i got goosebumps all over me...What was that? I quickly hanged up the phone. I mean, i didnt know what to do! The only could do is hold in my scream and brush it off. I hope it wont be like this tommorow...

The next day, i was at school cheerleading. As i finnished my part, i noticed Gumball looking at me from the bleachers. He was staring at me weirdly. I mean sure, he would often admire me from afar (and i predented like i didnt see him) but he looked more...lovey.  I walked up to him to see how he was.
P: "Hey, Gumball, are you alright? And wheres Darwin"
G: "Oh, dont even mention him... You think hes better than me?
P: "What?! N-"
G: "Dont you dare say his name again. Im the only one you need, you hear?"
P: "Ok, whats going on with you!? First the call and now...this?"
G: "Oh, am i being too harsh?...Im sorry...but i just cant let you be someone in their peathetic lives~"
I was in schock. That voice was the same as last time...deep and creepy. Hes so...obssesive...What does he want from me? I ran away without thinking. He didnt run after me, though i could feel his glare burning a hole in the back of my head...

While walking trough the hallls, i still couldnt forget about Gumball. He has really changed...This is isnt the Gumball i know. Maybe this is the end of our love...
My line of thought was broken when i heard someone talking behind the lockers. It was Masami, Sarah and Leslie.
S: "Its been a day, how hasnt this had worked?"
L: "I dont know but Gumball has been actting VERY strange around Penny..."
I quickly ran up to them
P: "Yeah he has its really strange. Its like hes obssesed with me or something..."
???: "OBSSESED??"
We heard a voice from somewhere close. It was Carrie! She quickly appered in the middle of us with a schocked face.
C: "You guys...made the potion!?"
S: "Im sorry i know we shouldnt have...but why didnt it work?"
C: "Penny...theres something i keept from you for about a year now. I know this isnt the first time Gumball was actting weird around you..."
P: "Youre right...just last week he was all lovey-dovey. I mean, he is most of the time, but never like that"
C: "Well thats because...i...."

The whimp and the loser (Tobias x Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now