Gumballs crush

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I walked up the stairs, as slow as ever. I wish i could turn back and run out of the house, i wish i could let the potion live on for etirnity but i knew it wasnt right to do so. A whole year full of episodes of me and him for nothing...that whole forest kiss was for nothing, that quest he made for me was nothing! Oh Gumball...i hope you will be gratefull if you ever find out i did this for you...
I opened Sarahs room to see them all around a pot. The smell was so strong and the color of the potion was gray. It is an un-loving potion afterall...
S: "Oh Penny! Youre just on time...did you find it?"
P: "Yeah...*hands her the diary* I folded the page where he mentions a crush"
We all gathered up and looked at the page infront whilst Sarah read it out loud. He wrote this a whole year ago but even then his handwritting was still terrible...

[PS: this is targated at one episode so some stuff may seem unclear]

"Dear diary"
"Im sorry for not writting in a long time. Ive been dealing with some...thoughts these past days. You see, a few days ago, i saw as Tobias was slapping everyones butts as ussual. I waited for my turn, not wanting to but knowing i didnt have a choice. Though he didnt do it. Now, you might think thats a good thing. But, something weird happened. I feelt jelousy. How come all the others get it and not me? I spend the whole day trying to get his attention. Long story short, we ended up having a frendly bond at the end (even with a song). At that moment...i feelt like i finnaly got his attention. Why did i crave it? Who knows. But i feelt so happy. After that day, i keept thinking about it. Why was i craving his attention? I thought about it for a long time, untill i finnaly realized. I have a crush on Tobias. Its true. These days, ive been sortaaa spying on him from time-to-time, Ive been gigling at every little funny thing he does... I dont know how im going to tell Penny. I guess il try but i will probably just chicken out and ask Carrie for help. Anyways, its getting late i gotta go"

Huh...Tobias? Never knrw Gumball liked boys aswell. I looked over at the crew, the were...smilling?

P: "Whats so funny?'
M: "You wouldnt get it...heh, alright well, now the only thing we need to do after this is make the love potion for Tobias!"
P: "Woah! Why on earth would you do that?"
L: "We had some thinking and- Alright thats besides the point, but does it really matter? Hes not gonna be with you either way"
P: "Yeah i guess youre what you gotta do"
We put the un-loving potion in a little plastic tube.

The next day, at break, we sneaked behind gumball and droped a drop or two into his soda. As we were done, they looked at me dead in the eyes.

P: "...What?"
S: "You know you need to break up with him later, right?"
P: "What?! Shouldnt he do that?"
S: "Hes going to feel bad if you dont dp it and hes never going to tell you! Please Penny..."
P: "Alright..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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