Bye-bye Bob

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There's a knock on the door and quick steps to answer it.

"Hell- Todd?"

A ginger boy is standing there, sobs racking his body and his face blotchy and wet.

"I'm sorry- I- I don't know why I'm here-"

The other sobs out, trembling as sadness overtakes his features.

"Come in, don't even worry."

The redhead steps in and Neil closes the door gently, turning to the other before he's attacked in a hug.

Todd cries, unable to hold onto such strong emotions and Neil is stuck frozen for a moment before the younger can feel a gentle pat on his back.

"You need to breathe, do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

His soft voice receives a quick shake of the head.

"No.." Is mumbled out.

"We'll go to my room and just... You can cry it out?"

He's given a nod, Todd takes his arms away from the other boy and covers his mouth, trying to suppress tears.

Neil gently grabs his other wrist and pulls him upstairs to his room and makes him sit on the bed.

"Can I guess what happened?"

He's speaking gently as he sits by the headboard of his bed.

Todd takes a deep, shaky breath and hesitantly nods, looking to the other.

"Was it something at home?"

He gets a nod, he continues after thinking for a moment, his heart sinking.

"Is it about your parents...?"

Todd's eyes widened and he's shaking his head, Neil nods gently and hums. Tears roll down Todd's cheeks once more, he knows Neil will never guess so he speaks up.



"Bobs... Bobs-"

He's crying again, hysterically. Neil is making soft shushing noises as he opens his arms for the other.

The distressed ginger takes the offer and climbs into the awaiting arms. Neil sighs softly, mouthing opening a couple times before he speaks.

"Bobs dead?"

A wail escapes Todd and he's clinging onto the boy he loves. Neil is right there, patting his back and shushing him softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry he's dead... He was a great fish."

"He was more than a f-fish!!"

"I know, I know..."

Soon the tears are done, sadness stays but the younger one has tired himself and ridded himself of tears.

"Can I get us more comfortable?"

As Todd is tired from tears, he's tired of speaking, trying. He gives a subtle nod.

Neil adjusts them so he's on his back and Todd is laying between his legs, resting his head on his chest.

Todd is cling to him like a desperate koala as he lets out the occasional whimper at his thoughts, Neil's hand petting his hair was calming.

Something in the backs of their minds knew this isn't what friends do, not so closely and not boys. They didn't care.

Todd shuffled up more and was cautious of kneeing Neil in his crotch but settle his cheek on his shoulder.

"Thank you..."

The older made a noise of confusion and ran his hand down Todd's forearm.

"What for?"

"This... Not in a... gay way just, thank you for-"

He wasn't sure what to say, there was so many things he wanted to say. He just lifted his head, looked at Neil. Neil knew all that he wanted to say and gave him a soft smile.

Pink rising to Todd's cheeks caused him to lay his head down again. Each others warmth was calming enough, they didn't sleep, they were just close.

"Do you do this with all your friends?"

"Most of my friends don't come crying to me... You are special, Morrison."

And with that, they cuddled, changing positions but always holding each other. The room would fill with their whispers and giggles.

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