Chapter 1

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All things fall apart. It's a part of life. Nothing will remain the same, no matter how much you want it to. In the end, we'll all perish, and be replaced. Yet, sometimes, the naive cannot accept that...

A large statue of a woman, made of stone stood in the center of the dimly lit forest. The woman had a serene look on her face and wore a mermaid dress. In her hand, a dove.

"Dear goddess, I pray for your protection... May you guide us to make a better realm..." A teen girl muttered, her straight long red hair flowing behind her as the wind picked up. Beside her, a young blondie stood. This girl had Platinum-blonde hair that was long and kempt, along with bangs that were uneven but covered her forehead. This blondie wore a sweater dress that was pure white, and a white witch hat on her head.

The redhead's clothing choice was the polar opposite of the blondie. She wore a black slit-dress, it going to her knees, with two layers beneath it. The dress had puffed shoulder sleeves while the bottom was tight to her arms.

The two were praying in front of a statue of an elegant woman, both kneeling in approval and awe of this statue. The statue was of a woman with very long curly hair. She wore a long mermaid dress, which was ruffled at the bottom. The colors of what she looked like were unseen, as the statue was made of stone.

"May you guide us, goddess." She said, her soft-spoken voice repeating after the Redhead's.

After a while of praying to their goddess, they both turned to each other and nodded. If there was one thing they needed to do, it would be to find their partner. She had left abruptly on a sour note, and the two were concerned for her. It was like her to be in a sour mood, yes. But, Both these young girls couldn't bear to see their friend wounded or hurt.

So, they both summoned their brooms. The Redhead's broom had a little kitten charm at the end, while the Blondie had a snowflake charm at the end of hers. After contemplating on where to look, the two flew into the sky, Both sitting on their brooms. They made sure to look for purple coloring, since their friend's hair was a shade of Purple; Royal purple.

After much time of searching airborne, they came with nothing, so they decided to walk around.

It was not unusual of them to have to look for their friend, considering her sour attitude. She never did like traveling with others, but she made an exception for these two, considering they're both lovable and kind.

"Aradia!" The Redhead called out, looking around. It wasn't long until they spotted a dim cave. Upon walking by, of course they saw their friend there. Out of all places she could have gone, why in a cave? The two rushed up, entering the gloomy cave and meeting her gaze.

"Aradia, we've been looking all over for you! We've wasted much-needed mana and stamina for the journey ahead! You said you wanted to take down that cult, right? Well, we can't waste any time!" Aradia simply just glared at them, speaking in a low, raspy tone.

"No need to yell... I can hear." She stated, and it was clear she didn't seem to be in the best spirits.

Aradia had short curly hair that covered one of her icy-blue eyes and a black collar. She wore a black shirt that showed her cleavage and was sleeveless and a darker shade of black skinny pants. She wore hedge Heels and had black horns on her head.

The two both picked their words wisely, as Aradia was like a light switch. One second, she could be casually chatting, and the next, she could be on a full-blown shouting spree.

"Yes, right. Apologies for Alida yelling, Aradia. We just want to help make Elabhia a better place, since even the agriculture here is slowly dying off... we've lost fourteen different fruit species and twenty vegetable species... We cannot let our ecosystem die like this... this corruption will slowly taint the whole world until nothing left is safe." The blondie said.

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