Chapter 3

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The trio followed behind Kezuna who led them deeper and deeper into the stone base. They were led down a pair of stairs, and down to eerie double doors, where Kezuna placed the palm of her right hand on the door.

Before opening it, she looked back at the three. "Just to let you know these trials won't be easy... you'll be participating in five of them. Judging on your performances is whether or not you'll be able to join." Kezuna stated with a smirk as she forcefully pushed the doors open.

Inside the room, was pitch black. In the middle of it was a floating purple gem that shined brightly. Kezuna walked in, gesturing with her finger for them to follow. The three followed her in with a slight look of unease on their faces.

"What's that large purple diamond-shaped gem?" Cherith asked as she walked closer, placing her ring finger and index finger on it, sliding her fingers down it.

"Hm, well, I normally would explain what they are, but today I'm feeling strict! You're going to figure it out yourselves! Got that?" Kezuna placed her hands on her hips with a big smirk.

She was clearly being biased since... well, Alida was here.

Aradia looked quite baffled yet angered by this decision. But, if this is how Kezuna wanted to play, then Aradia would happily destroy anything in her way.

Cherith and Alida looked over at each other with this worried look. If they didn't know what to do, how were they going to pass this trial?

"Ehm... Ma'am, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but that idea... it's not very... rational... you can't just throw us head-first into any enemy and hope us to defeat them..." Cherith responded, and as she said this, Kezuna slapped her on the back, chuckling.

"Ah, but did I ask?" Kezuna then rubbed Cherith's back, walking backward while facing her and snapping her fingers. "Your enemy wouldn't reveal anything to you either, so it is fair. Good luck." Kezuna chuckled as she left the room, leaving the three inside.

Cherith had this unamused look on her face, then huffed and shook her head. "I hope you two are also ready to participate in this..." Cherith placed a hand on her forehead as she looked at the glowing large gem.

Then, a voice spoke to them. They all felt light-headed as this happened. "Ahem... if this thing is working, you should hear my voice in your head, yes?" Once again, it was Kezuna.

"If it isn't working, oh well! You'll just have to do the 5 trials without hearing me! I'll be silently judging you three!" Kezuna's voice rang throughout their heads.

"Our first trial will be the 'mirror maze'." Kezuna declared. Aradia had this dumbfounded look on her face as Kezuna said this.

"The hell do you take me for!? A clown!? Give me a real challenge!" Aradia barked, feeling very annoyed at the suggestion of a mirror maze. Kezuna just burst out laughing, coughing and wheezing.

"Do you think I'm going to put you in a maze with mirrors!? PFFFT... Your brain is far too smooth, Aradia... let the magical gem do its thing!" Kezuna's voice was hushed as the gem in the room began to spin faster and faster, lighting up the room... it was so bright, the three had to cover their eyes.

As they opened their eyes again and adjusted from the light, there were three doorway-shaped portals ahead of them.

Kezuna's voice became apparent again as she began to explain. "For your trial, you will face your biggest fear, whether it be death, spiders, heights, whatever you're afraid of... of course, if it is death, you won't actually die... It'll be painful, but it's necessary." Kezuna cleared her throat as she spoke again.

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