Chapter 2

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"Mmm... Do you taste it? Your blood, so scrumptious~" A young woman with messy long unkempt green hair was staring at a woman who had their hands tied behind their back, unable to move due to the rope that was tied around a pole.

"What?... I won't bite... yet... come now, I don't like to kill my prey immediately... psychological torture is so... much... better." She crawled toward the young woman, her purple eyes gazing deep into her blue eyes. The young woman was desperately crying out for help, her eyes filled with tears as the insane woman got closer to her.

The green-haired woman lifted her hand, sliding her sharp fingernail across her cheek, leaving a deep cut. "Your skin is so soft... it almost makes me want to wear it like a coat... I'm sure you'd like that? Hmm?" She then leaned closer, sticking her tongue out and licking the blood off the woman's cheek.

"W-What's wrong with you!? W-Why are you doing this!?" She cried out, gasping and crying. She struggled as hard as she could to break free, but to no avail.

"Come now, this is only the beginning! I haven't even tortured your child yet!" She sadistically laughed as she pulled a finger out from her pocket. "Look! Isn't it so funny? He was crying and screaming for me to stop, but I kept going... and kept going... until his whole finger... came off..." She whispered into her ear, placing the finger on the ground and taking a bottle out of her pocket. The bottle had a dark bubbly liquid in it. She covered the finger in the dark substance. After doing so, she picked it up with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Say 'ahh'..." The green haired woman stated with a pleasurable smile as the woman screamed and shook her head in fear.

"PLEASE NO! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" The woman cried out, kicking and screaming.

"Ah ah ah, it's too late for that... I didn't make this concoction for no reason... Now, you will eat this in pleasure..." She grabbed her by the chin, forcing her head to remain still as she placed the finger in her mouth, then covered her mouth so she couldn't spit it out. The woman was coughing and gagging from the taste of the black bubbly liquid...

This caused the green-haired woman to be visibly happy...

"Yummy, isn't it? There will be nine more where that came from..." She stated, letting go of the woman's head. The woman had the black liquid flowing down from her mouth to the floor.

"Mmm... Master told me that little rats were trying to take us down... I hope Chrys hasn't given up yet... I want to end his little pathetic life... Hell, all ten of us do!" She twirled around happily, giggling with her Canines showing.

"Just you wait, all of you... we'll find you, and I'll have you all to myself to torture, Hahahahah..."


The trio were following the group, with Aradia who was already in a bad mood. She had her arms crossed, staring at the ground. Alida couldn't help but notice Kezuna's glares toward her. They were scary to her, but she didn't comment.

"So... Ahem..." Cherith tried to break the silence among them. "What does the... ACA do?" Cherith asked, catching up with Kezuna who had their hands on the back of their head as they walked.

Kezuna's gaze turned toward her, and she smirked. "Everyone of us here wants to take them down, heh, but you can't do that easily. We've been secretly sending people to try and find their base so we can infiltrate their quarters and gain information... We don't want to fight yet, as we don't know their abilities. We thought about it, and we just want to sneak into their base and learn more about their leader for now. We'll fight later on." Kezuna then turned her gaze back to the path, looking up at the sky with a skeptic look on her face.

"But, what we're tryna do right now is cure our leader. Defera and plant boy have been trying to mix things together to make a potion, and they've been using me as their guinea pig to fetch ingredients... Not only me, but the big guy volunteers for it..." Kezuna shook her head, sighing. She then looked up alarmed, looking toward the three.

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