Don't abandon your story!!! 6 tips on revising a novel

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So, you've finished (the first draft of) your novel... and you're wondering...What am I to do next? The temptation to stop, print, publish and leave the story can be overwhelming. But PLEASE DON'T ABANDON YOUR STORY!!!! It will be sad :(

Sitting down, rereading and editting can tremendously improve your story and your chances of getting your story noticed. I know, I know... revising your novel is never quite 'done' is it? And it's probably not the most favoured thing to do... but here's a few tips to help you out!!!

1. Gather everything you need! Manuscript, notebook, pens, a word document... everything you think you might need.

2. KEEP A CHECKLIST! Yes, you might already have a lot of notes lying around somewhere on your desk or on your computer but keeping a checklist while revising can come in very handy. It can even be a very simple one as long as you note everything clearly. Make sure you don't have to reread your story again thinking "I know there was something about this character but ... what is it?"

3. Set a deadline. It's easy to fall into a cycle where you are revising your revisions and never ever completing your story. Set a deadline for revising and when you're done, you're done.

4. First thing to look for: TYPOS!

5. Take a break! If you're spending all your time on revising you'll end up having a burn out. Take a few hour break, a day off, a weekend or even a week. Go to the movies or do something you like.

6. What questions to ask yourself (and your novel)...

- Have you met the objectives of your story? Where did you want to go? Did you reach your goal?

- Does this scene matter?

- This scene introduces a new action/problem/idea/subplot... does it help to reach the end of your story?/Do you follow a consistent storyline?

- Does the character still look and act the same as in the beginning of the novel?

- Does this character appear and reappear in your entire novel?

Are you done? Well... what are you waiting for? Send your story out into the big world!!! But don't forget it because It helped you grow, improve your writing skills and is a part of you.

How to write a novel (tips every writer could use) ~ Moonpsyche6حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن