Chapter 1 呪 A Cursed Memory

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I stood hunched over in the empty field, hands resting on my knees as I struggled to catch my breath. The setting sun cast an orange glow over my exhausted figure. I had been pushing my Quirk to its limits during training, desperately trying to improve. Sweat dripped down my face and my limbs ached, but I couldn't stop. Not yet.

"UA..." I muttered between heavy pants. Did I really have a chance at getting into the famous hero academy?

I didn't have any special powers or amazing combat skills. My Quirk was still largely a mystery to me. But none of that mattered. I had to keep trying, keep getting stronger. Ever since that horrific night ten years ago... the night I-

Forget it, all I know is that I have to become a hero, no matter what.

A faded memory flickered in my mind - a gentle, loving smile from long ago. "I have to become a hero," I whispered, more to myself than anyone. "If I don't...then what am I?"

Lately I had been intensely training my Quirk, desperately trying to build up endurance against the draining side effects. It was a slow, frustrating process, but I could see some progress. I just hoped it would be enough for UA's rigorous entrance exam.

As the last slivers of sunlight disappeared over the horizon, I decided to call it a day. My grandmother would start to worry if I stayed out too late training. The walk home helped soothe my aching muscles.

When I arrived, Grandma already had dinner waiting. As we ate, she lightly scolded me for avoiding the pickled radishes again. Some things never changed.

After cleaning up, I flipped on the TV, too wired to sleep yet. A news report flashed across the screen that immediately seized my attention.

"Sludge Villain Attacks Local High School Student!"

I recognized the spiky ash-blond hair of the victim - Katsuki Bakugo, from my class. My eyes widened a fraction in surprise. A chill ran through me as a thought struck. Earlier today, I had kicked Bakugo in the shin during a scuffle, injuring his leg. Did that prevent him from being able to escape the villain? Was fault?

I watched in dismay as the pro heroes struggled to free Bakugo from the sludge's grasp. He was suffocating, on the verge of death. If he died, would that make me his killer? The thought twisted my gut.

Just then, a skinny boy with curly green hair burst onto the scene. Izuku Midoriya - the Quirkless classmate I'd recently defended from Bakugo's bullying. Tears streamed down his freckled face as he chucked his backpack at the sludge villain's eye, momentarily distracting it. As the villain reeled back, Midoriya desperately tried scraping the sludge off of Bakugo.

But it was a futile effort. The enraged villain easily overwhelmed the two boys, leaving them trapped and helpless in its clutches. Where were the heroes? Would no one come to save them?

Right when it seemed too late, All Might arrived in the nick of time and smashed the sludge villain apart with one earth-shattering punch. As the dust settled around the iconic hero, he stood tall with that trademark fearless smile of his.

Seeing it, bittersweet memories of a gentle smile flooded my mind. "A hero's smile brings hope to those who are afraid," A woman with a beautiful smile had told me long ago. I wanted to have that same power - to smile through the darkest moments and be someone's hope.

My determination solidified. No matter what, I absolutely had to get into UA. With this new focus, I rushed up to my room and began strategizing in a notebook. If I wanted any chance of passing the rigorous entrance exam, I needed to optimise my training and fully understand my Quirk.

Cursed Hero 呪 My Hero Academia x OC (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now