Chapter 2 呪 A Cursed First Day

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I jolted back to reality like a far-off echo, a soft promise tugging me from the shadows. As my mind regained its footing, all I felt was this weird sense of floating, drifting through a place that seemed to have no rules of time or space, just what was this place?

Last I remember I attempted to save that boy during the exam and-

Oh that's right, I pushed myself too hard with that rift. I'm dead now aren't I?

Is this really the afterlife?

I mentally sighed, as I couldn't really get a grasp for my body, however I could get a feel for my eyes.

After a few minutes my eyes fluttered open, but instead of seeing some heavenly afterlife area, I found myself suspended in an eerie void. It was as if I was adrift in an endless sea of darkness, with no sight of land in any direction.

Then, a bizarre figure materialised before me, shrouded in an otherworldly glow, it looked similar to one of my shikigami. It stood tall, its muscular form both imposing and surreal. Four wings jutted out from where its eyes should be, an uncanny sight that sent shivers down my spine. Its head bore a peculiar tail-like appendage, swaying gently in the mysterious air.

Hovering just above the creature was an enigmatic wheel, its eight handles rotating with an almost hypnotic rhythm. Each spin seemed to pulse with an energy that resonated through the void, filling the space with an electrifying tension.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from this bizarre image, a mix of awe and trepidation coursing through my veins. The shikigami exuded an aura of ancient power, a presence that seemed both ancient and timeless, as if it held secrets of worlds long forgotten.

As I watched, entranced, a sense of understanding began to dawn. This creature was no mere apparition—it was a sentinel, a guardian, or perhaps even something more. I felt a strange connection, an inexplicable bond that seemed to link us across the unfathomable expanse of this enigmatic realm.

Though my mind struggled to make sense of it all, a quiet determination welled up within me. Somehow, someway, I knew that I was somehow entwined with this ethereal being and the pulsating wheel above it.

I tried to reach out to it, but was suddenly met with the strange view of... a hospital roof?

I could feel a soft bed underneath my suddenly, a warm blanket slightly wrapped around me

I sat up prematurely, feeling a shock of pain throughout my body as I moved.

"You shouldn't be moving so hastily after getting injured like that." I heard an elderly women say as they approached me.

I recognized this lady, she was UA's recovery girl!

"You really pushed yourself hard boy, my quirk wasn't able to deal with the mental shock, but I was able to deal with the majority of the physical damage done to your body." She explained.

"Ah, I see. Thank you." I responded.

The lady looked at me puzzled.

"Usually the kids that get injured during these exams ask a bunch of questions or panic like crazy."

I slowly got out of the bed and adjusted my body.

"Well there's not much to say, I'll try my best to not get injured too often." I responded.

The lady began laughing.

"You're an interesting one, you know that?"

She walked closer to me and opened up a dispenser.

Cursed Hero 呪 My Hero Academia x OC (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now