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She was seated in her own little garden lost in her own little world.

She had an affection for roses so Auntie Grace helped her plant some in a small area at the back of the large house, somewhere close to the kitchen.

She had lost her baby fat as a little bruise adorned her wrist from when one of them had grabbed her a few days ago.

Being three years ahead, the Wellington brothers saw themselves to be some sort of big brothers/love interests to Fae and the eight-year-old girl could do nothing but accept it. They had a sister complex, she had heard some of the servants whisper behind her back.


She didn't hear it at first because her nose was deep in the book in front of her. Sitting crisscrossed on the soft ground, Faerys felt soft skin brush past her cheek while a hand snatched the book from her.

"Beauty and the Beast huh?" That was Orson's voice as it was his hand that snatched the book.

"We can be the beasts to your beauty," Dion whispered in her ear.

"Hi baby, didn't you hear us?" Eldon cocked his head in confusion while stretching out a hand for her to take.

"I didn't," she managed to croak out, taking the hand after learning her lesson the other day.

Eldon set her on her feet while Dion dusted the dirt from her shorts. "You were going to miss dinner. You shouldn't be out here all alone." He continued.

Then he noticed her wrist. "Still hasn't healed."

"Orson you need to be careful with her," Dion scolded.

"You can't break our innocent doll," Eldon added while staring into her eyes. You see, Faerys did look like a doll. Big Bambi eyes, small Grecian nose, full lower lip of raspberry colour and soft high cheekbones structure. Her full eyebrows and long eyelashes only contributed to her loveliness.

"What's for dinner?" She asked quietly trying to change the topic.

"Fettuccine alfredo and roasted turkey," Orson replied as he slapped the book shut while Eldon held on to her hand as they all went inside.

They all ate quietly after which they all moved to the playroom. There, they watched her play the harp. Then she sat on the swing outside the house as she watched them have a late-night swim.

Just then, the silhouette of a boy approached her in the night making her look up.

"Hi, I'm Stephen. I'm new here, nice to meet you. You have a very pretty face. Can we be friends?"

Instead of answering, her anxious eyes looked to the boys who had stopped what they were doing. The funny thing Is they weren't even glaring at the boy, their faces were stoic and void of emotions. Dion whispered something to Orson who swam out of the water and came marching forward while the new boy turned to greet them.

"Oh the young masters, good evening. My na-uggh"

Orson pushed the boy into the pool and ducked his head underwater. The boy gurgled water as his body struggled under Orson's hold as Fae screamed before jumping in to save him.

"Orson please, let him go." She begged.

The youngest triplet yanked Stephen's head up by the scalp looking at Fae before turning to look at his brothers. Far didn't know the interaction that passed because she was busy looking to make sure the boy was still breathing.

Orson sighed and let go of the hair. "Scram," he seethed and Stephen didn't even spare a look at Fae as he swam/ran out of the pool and away.

"You almost killed him!" She yelled while struggling to catch her breath.

"Whose fault is that?" Dion frowned at her.

"I didn't even answer him!" She began to cry as she wobbled out of the water and into the house dripping wet.

She walked past the mother giving instructions to Ruth, both stopping to look at the weeping girl. "Fae? What happened?" Grace asked worriedly and the child hiccuped before speaking.

"A boy spoke to me and they tried to drown him," was all she said before running into her room.


"Jesus is Lord!" Ruth exclaimed.

A few minutes later, the triplets came in with swim shorts and towels around their necks.

"Boys!" Their mother yelled and they only gave her a look of disdain before walking away.

"Stay out of this," Dion warned as he walked away.



"Go away!"

"Do you wanna build a sno-actually never mind. Come out this instant." Dion ordered.

"We're only looking out for your Princess," Orson spoke so softly that it irked her more as if all they did was eat her food.

"Open the door, Faerys," Eldon spoke calmly.

"Now!" He added and scrambling of feet was heard.

And just like she had been warned, Grace stayed out of it.

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