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"Get lost."

His opponent got scared, as the poor boy crawled away. Yuki was a little surprised by the boy crawling away from the fight scene, but he was more interested to see the winner of the fight.


He looked at the boy's crimson red eyes, he was wondering how did this fight started and if the boy was a special being. "Who are you..?" Yuki asked him, looking at the red eyes. His voice was calm, but his tone of voice slightly shifted towards a serious one.

"Can't say. My profile's confidential."

The guy tucked Yukiharu's hair, just like what happened in school earlier. Yuki started blushing once again, but he was more serious right now. He wanted to get more information about the stranger.

"Why don't you come with me then, I wanna talk to you."

His voice was filled with confidence, but it had a soft and kind tone to it. He wanted this stranger to come with him.

"I got a mission to go, maybe someday, I could see you."

The red-eyed boy smirked, as he kissed Yuki's hands, then dissapeared in a flash. Yuki stood there shocked, as he was just kissed by a stranger. But what could he do? The stranger was already gone.


He looked to where the red-eyed boy was. But he wasn't in sight anymore.

"What the... No way... He disappeared?"

Yuki looked around, wondering what happened. Was he tricked? Did he hallucinate? He saw the people, as they picked up the beated up guy, so he knew that he wasn't hallucinating. A police cop went closer.

"That guy you just saw, he is an S-ranked assasin." Yuki was shocked to hear what the police cop said.

"S-ranked assasin?"

Yuki was wondering why an S-ranked assasin would kiss him, and make him fall in love with him. He was wondering who is this stranger and what kind of mission did he have. "W-why did he kiss me?" He asked the police officer.

"Maybe he wanted to get closer to you, that's why."

The police cop smiled, as he pats Yuki.

"We need to go, it's midnight. Stay safe, young man." Yuki was still in a shock, remembering the kiss he had with the stranger. He was blushing and smiling at the same time.

"Yes... Yes."

He nodded at the police officer and started walking back to home.


Yuki was already in his room, but he couldn't sleep. He was still thinking about this S-rank assasin. He giggled and he hugged his pillow in excitement. His sister Hanayuki heard him.

"Hey, what's the giggle all about?"

Yuki noticed his sister coming inside his room, he looked at her. His face was still blushing and full of happiness.

"Hanayuki, guess what happened to me today?"

He was trying to contain himself from giggling, but he failed. Hana leaned closer and sat next to him.

"Yeah, sure."

Yuki was still blushing, he looked at his sister and started telling her the whole story.

"So... I met a stranger, and we were in class. She even sat next to me. Then, later that day, I noticed someone was fighting in the hallway and it happened that the stranger was the winner of the fight." He told her everything, but she's still not understanding how it's significant. He's blushing, looking at her in excitement.

"T-then..... He kissed me!"

"Oh, you liked him?"

Hana raised her eyebrows, as she gets a pillow, because she is excited what Yuki will say. Yuki's face grew even redder, since his sister asked the question. He didn't want to say that he liked the stranger, but he needs to tell the truth.

"Um... Yes.. I did."

He looked at his sister, waiting for her response. "Ooh, then try to meet him again! Maybe someday.."

She smiled, then waved goodnight to Yuki.

"It's getting midnight, go to sleep brother." Yuki smiled and had a warm feeling in his heart knowing that his sister is cheering him up to meet him again.

"Alright, I will try... It's kinda hard since he's a S-rank assassin."

He told her as he lied on his bed, getting ready to sleep.

The next day, he woke up early for class. Yuki then gets his bag for school. He packed his school materials and started preparing for school. Yuki looked at the mirror, making sure his hair and his face is clean, and he looked perfect.

"Hmm.. Should I wait for that Fuyuka or should I go to school early and surprise her? Yes... I should go to school early and surprise her!"

He chuckled to himself, feeling excited again like a small child meeting his crush again. After waving goodbye to his sister, Yukiharu saw Fuyuka, waiting for him outside.

"Yuki-kun! Let's go, shall we?" Yuki's face was filled with surprise when he saw her.

He looked at her, shocked at how she looks. Fuyuka looked more beautiful than yesterday and he's falling in love with her, more so than yesterday. He wanted to hug her so much.


Yuki said her name, while smiling at her.

Word Count:863.

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