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"Did you.. wait for me?"

"Yes! I waited for you, let's go on a festival shall we?"

Fuyuka's lips formed a smile, as she took Yukiharu's hand. Yuki didn't know what to say to that question. But he was in awe of Fuyuka's kindness. A festival? What kind of festival? He looked at her and nodded.

"O-oh.. Yes.. Let's go."

He blushed while smiling, as they both started walking to the "festival." But something didn't feel right. He felt like... She liked him as well.

As the two entered the festival, Yuki got lost, as he couldn't see Fuyuka. He looked up into the sky, and saw meteorites. A huge ones.

Yuki looked up at the sky, he never saw such big meteorites. In the middle of his fascination with the meteorites, he didn't realize that he lost Fuyuka. He looked around for her, wondering where he lost her.

"Fuyuka?" He called her name out loud.

He looked at the sky again, the meteorites were about to fall. But he still couldn't feel Fuyuka nearby. He started panicking.

Yuki was wandering aimlessly when the assassin boy he saw earlier grabbed his hand.

"There'a a huge disaster, you need to evacuate."

The boy and him ran as fast as the wind. Yuki's cheeks blushed. Yuki started blushing as this boy grabbed his hand, but he didn't have time to think. He just followed every instruction given, since it might save his life.

"Th-thank you...." He exclaimed. He then continued following the boy and they ran away from where the meteorites were falling.

Once they were safe, he realized that he lost Fuyuka in this big mess. He looked everywhere, he was so worried about her safety.

The assasin grabbed his hand, and grabbed something from his bag.

"I'm Fuyuka, the one you met earlier. But the difference is I'm really a boy.
My real name's Fuyuhiro.

He cupped Yuki's ears, to protect the boy from a big explosion.

Yuki was surprised when he heard the real name of Fuyuka. He looked at his face, as it matched with a boy's face. The voice, the figure and even the appearance were identical to a boy.

"Why are you dressed like... A g-g-girl..."

Yuki started stuttering. He didn't want to believe that his first love was a boy, even when he saw it with his own eyes. He was still in a shock. "It was to disguise as a normal student. I'm an assasin, and I later knew that an explosion will be happening here. So I came here to saved you."

Fuyuhiro's star pupils glowed, just like before. Just when Yuki thought that it'll be peaceful, something bad happened. A group of kitsune-masked guys surrounded them.

Yuki looked at the assassins with their kitsune masks, he was shocked. He tried to calm himself and looked at Fuyuka once again.

"Thank you for saving me.."

Yuki's voice is filled with emotions of sadness and fear, as those kitsune-masked people surrounded both of them.

"But why... Do they want to kill us?..." He looked at those kitsune-masked people with fear and worry. "Yuki, run. Those guys are trying to kill you."

Fuyuhiro cracked his fists, trying to get rid of the men. Meanwhile, Yuki had no choice but to run.

Word count:553.

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