Jealous much? (Leosagi 2012) [SMUT]

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Hello this fic was suggested by @Jasmine_Williams14

Just a little information as background for the fic. This is set during the farmhouse era. Leo has been awake for about a month now and the gang has been living out on the farm for about 6 months.

Leo's POV:

Usagi has been talking to my siblings a lot more recently. I know that I've been unconscious for 5 months but I still thought that he would spend more time with me. Mikey told me that Usagi would come talk to me every day when I was asleep, and that does comfort me a little. Usagi has been spending the most time with Raph, which kinda makes me anxious? I know that Usagi is bisexual and that rabbits mate a lot, so what did he do for those 5 months I was gone? I need to stop overthinking, just look out of the window Leo. So that's what I do, but it makes it a little worse. Out the window I see Usagi and Raph talking and swinging on the chair outside. Fuckkkkk!

I'm going to speak to Donnie tonight, maybe he can give me an idea on what I'm feeling. "Hey Leo" I hear from behind, "why are you watching Raph and Usagi?" "Do you think Usagi likes Raph?" I ask the voice. "What Leo usagi is your boyfriend, why would he go for your sister?" I turn to look at the voice to find out it was April. "I- I don't know, it's just that I was out for a while and he didn't have me you know. And it looks like he's gotten very close to her." "Aww Leo, Usagi loves you so much" April reassures me. "Yeah" I reply

It's dinner time now and all of us are gathering around the dining table. "Where's Donnie, Casey, Raph and Usagi?" Mikey asks "Don and Case are in the shed working on one of the cars or something" April says, "and Raph and Usagi went on a walk and are coming home now I think." Usagi and Raph? Went out......together? The door opens with a loud creek, followed by laughter. I turn around to see my sister and boyfriend walking into the kitchen. "Hey bros and April" Raph says. "Hey sis, come sit down!" Mikey enthusiastically states. "Hey babe" usagi says while leaning down and kissing my cheek, "hey, sit" I reply trying to keep calm. "Oh it's okay, I was gonna sit next to Raph tonight" "oh, yeah okay" my eyes felt like they were going to spill! I endured most of the dinner, Usagi didn't speak to me at all really, he only said a few words to me, things like "what do you think Leo?" Or "Leo, did you want the last roll?" The point where I left was when Raph put her hand on Usagi's shoulder and whispered something which made him giggle. "Excuse me, I'm going for a bath" I said leaving the table, the last glance I had at the table was Usagi looking kind of worried, then straight back to giggling with Raph.

It took me about 5 minutes to get to the shed, normally it takes the others like 2 but I'm still pretty injured. Anyway when I got to the shed I heard a noise, "AHHH FUCK CASEY" what? That sounded like Donnie, maybe Casey threw something at him? I mean Casey and Donnie are always fighting, even when they are civil. The doors are unlocked anyways so the project must not be that important. I open the door and walk through. "Hey Don so I wanted to- AHHHH" "AHHHHH LEO?!?!" Screamed Donnie. "Heyyyyy Leooooo" Casey said. "DONNIE WHAT ARE YOU- WHY DIDN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR?!?!" I screamed back while trying to cover my eyes. "I THOUGHT IT WAS!! CASEY!!" He yelled, "DON'T YELL AT ME IT WAS YOUR TURN TO CHECK!" Casey yelled back. "JUST- DONNIE GET OFF OF CASEY'S DICK AND BOTH OF YOU CLOTHE, I HAVE SOMETHING I WANT TO TALK TO DEE ABOUT!" I screamed as I turned around to cover my eyes from the gross view of my brother riding Casey Jones dick.

Both of them have clothes on, Donnie still doesn't have his plastron on but whatever. "Leo, please promise not to tell anyone, especially April!" Donnie breaks the silence. "Okay I promise, so how long has 'this' going on?" "About 3 months," Casey chimes. "I saw Donnie using a dilldo and it just kinda developed from there" "yeah I don't need the details Jones" I replied feeling ready to puke. "Hey Leo, didn't you want to ask me something?" Donnie asks. "Oh yeah, so umm" I start to fiddle with my fingers and Dee notices. "Here come take a seat Leo, Casey can you go get a fidget toy from the top drawer?" Donnie says, leading me to a chair to sit down. "By the way how are you healing?" "Better, anyways" Casey hands me a small toy then goes and wraps his arm over Donnie's shoulders , the toy  was just 3 small magnetic circles. "So ever since I've woken up, I felt kind of......drifted from Usagi. He's my boyfriend and he hasn't spoken to me a lot this past month. If anything he's spoken too Raph, and I have this weird feeling when they talk and giggle and stuff." I explained. "I see, can you give an example of your feelings?" Donnie replies. "Umm, well everytime I see them talking I just kind of want to take usagi away? And just kiss him, or when I see them talking and they are close I want to walk over and just make out with him? I also just want Raph to go away from him? It's weird and mean to her. I don't hate her at all, I just want her to leave Usagi alone sometimes, you know?" Casey and Donnie look at each other, smirk, then nod their heads and go to look at me. "I think your jealous Leo~" Casey says in a teasing tone, Donnie lightly hits him. "I agree with Casey though, I think you're experiencing jealousy, it could be because you know you weren't there for him for about 5 months and that makes you angry." Donnie explains. Jealous?? Me, Jealous? Oh my god I am. "Well how do I stop it? It makes me feel bad", "just tell Usagi how you feel, maybe that will help?" Donnie says, "then, sex." Casey adds which earns him a harder hit to his head from Donnie. "Yeah okay." I say getting up to go back inside. "Want some help?" Donnie asks. "Nah i'm good Dee, good night guys don't stay up too late with your 'project'" Donnie blushes and looks at Casey who gives him a wink and blows him a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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